End Selective Service

It's not just that, I wouldn't want someone forced to be there guarding my back.
If nothing else, when they start getting shot at they will worry about their own back, which in turn has yours.
Why? They have been fighting for the right to serve in combat positions and be equal with men, let's give them what they want.

"They"? I assure you no woman in my family or of my acquaintance has ever supported such a thing. Your proposal for collective punishment is fundamentally unjust. Women bear and raise the next generation. Women are uniquely vulnerable in the company of men. A government that drafts women will give a great gift to its enemy in time of war.
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"They"? I assure you no woman in my family or of my acquaintance has ever supported such a thing. Your proposal for collective punishment is fundamentally unjust. Women bear and raise the next generation. Women are uniquely vulnerable in the company of men. A government that drafts women will give a great gift to its enemy in time of war.
Except the idea is that we are facing some sort of total war situation when every person is needed.
"They"? I assure you no woman in my family or of my acquaintance has ever supported such a thing. Your proposal for collective punishment is fundamentally unjust. Women bear and raise the next generation. Women are uniquely vulnerable in the company of men. A government that drafts women will give a great gift to its enemy in time of war.

They can't have it both ways. Can't have all the benefits of being a man without the same responsibilities and standards.
They can't have it both ways. Can't have all the benefits of being a man without the same responsibilities and standards.
This I agree with.

If the instance is that they're important for reasons of not being a man, then the "equal wage" fallacy, and all the diversity quotas requiring women on boards, women hires, etc. need to go because you're saying there are fundamental differences that could explain them. If they want to step up into the men's sphere then they can bear the costs as well. That is equality. Not whatever most feminists are on about.

Now in general, I tend to believe that women don't belong in the draft, nor do I think in most cases we should be opening doors for women just because they're women.
This I agree with.

If the instance is that they're important for reasons of not being a man, then the "equal wage" fallacy, and all the diversity quotas requiring women on boards, women hires, etc. need to go because you're saying there are fundamental differences that could explain them. If they want to step up into the men's sphere then they can bear the costs as well. That is equality. Not whatever most feminists are on about.

Now in general, I tend to believe that women don't belong in the draft, nor do I think in most cases we should be opening doors for women just because they're women.

the invader doesn’t ask for consent of anyone. it’s not realistic for normal citizens to defend their homeland against an armed invasion without being supported and properly armed by an organized and trained military.

Obviously it’s been so long since WW2 that many folks have developed a false sense of security. I guess some would have us disband our military and become a pacifist nation.

I’m not sure how much training you believe you’d have gone for if your country were actually being invaded nor how you think you’ll have enough manpower to enforce such a law.

The only wars that should be fought are wars the people wish to fight
That's a fair point, but if a million screaming Chinese came streaming across the Mexican border that would have anything to do with tyranny, or a tyrant mustering people into service. Doubt the Chinese could ever get that far, but you never know I suppose.

Sure. But if they do, the best we can do is hope enough people are willing to fight. If enough people are not willing to fight, we 100% won’t have enough willing participants to force the unwilling and still win the fight.

If you’re already short on troops, removing x% of them to be prison guards isn’t beneficial.

It’s a bad law
"They"? I assure you no woman in my family or of my acquaintance has ever supported such a thing. Your proposal for collective punishment is fundamentally unjust. Women bear and raise the next generation. Women are uniquely vulnerable in the company of men. A government that drafts women will give a great gift to its enemy in time of war.

“Collective punishment”, just to clarify you’re agreeing with the overall statement that selective service in general should be gone?

Or just that it shouldn’t be for women?
"They"? I assure you no woman in my family or of my acquaintance has ever supported such a thing. Your proposal for collective punishment is fundamentally unjust. Women bear and raise the next generation. Women are uniquely vulnerable in the company of men. A government that drafts women will give a great gift to its enemy in time of war.

You should tell the women that. Of course just like a lot of groups they preach equality but want it without having to put in the work to be equal. They just want to be tokens then after that they b**** about wanting more without any merit to justify it.

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