EndZone USA communist kickball thread.

I don’t think it is a reality, but I have been tooting the horn for him or Pep for at least a year.

You may say I’m a dreamer
I would consider Pep an even bigger pipe dream than Klopp, but would be a major splash to hire either one
I don’t believe this. I can’t speak for little kids in a large sample size, but the overwhelming majority of high schoolers are doing something extracurricular. It was brought up earlier in this thread: Instead of playing multiple sports year round, kids are focused almost solely on one or two sports, that are now played year round. Even band, cheer, dance, FFA, etc are dedicated year round events. Or, they’re already working at 15. Sometimes 30 or more hours a week. I spent the last three years legally stalking high schoolers and the stereotype of them just doesn’t fit reality.

Of course, I’m 10-20 years behind most of you and we were accused of the same things growing up
Another difference is school sizes. In Latin American and Caribbean countries, kids play baseball or soccer from the time they can walk. In the US, 90% of kids are weeded out because their literally is nowhere to play outside of HS. So when you have one team for a population of school kids that could support 2 or maybe 3, the US kids lose out.
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First time I went to Columbia - with a u - Tennessee was for Mule Day.

We get in Friday night and my friends from Columbia take me to a local watering hole. Having a beer in the bar, then see a horse walk in the bar.

No joke to follow, a horse actually walked in the bar.
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20+ minutes into the 2nd half, and Goldgoyim (in white unis) cannot score on 10-man Colombia
Orogoay player yellow card… But, will one get two?

Ten on ten before game’s end?

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