EndZone USA communist kickball thread.

I have never set a "non-contact" screen or had a "non-contact" boxout either. I threw and received my fair share of forearms, elbows, and shoulder blocks attempting to get into rebounding position.
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Who was the chic for the USA that pulled her shirt 9ff when they won?
OK, I mis-spoke. It's still not a contact sport.

Yeah, obviously not like football, but you would be surprised how much contact there is. They let them get away with a lot. A lot of what they get away with is technically illegal.

And of course there is the flopping. No contact at all seemingly causes the most pain.
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As a defender in soccer, a legal tackle includes sliding into the ball such that your contact with the ball pushes it through the opponent’s foot position, thus upending them. As long as your contact is only with the ball.

Normally, a tackle is a close challenge to remove the ball from the opponent’s possession with a foot. In close quarters, there can be pushing, shoving, leaning, jostling. You cannot grab your opponent, hold them, or throw them to the ground. You cannot kick anything other than the ball.
Can you legally run up to someone and put them on the ground to take the ball?
If you make contact with the ball first, yes.
As a defender in soccer, a legal tackle includes sliding into the ball such that your contact with the ball pushes it through the opponent’s foot position, thus upending them. As long as your contact is only with the ball.

Normally, a tackle is a close challenge to remove the ball from the opponent’s possession with a foot. In close quarters, there can be pushing, shoving, leaning, jostling. You cannot grab your opponent, hold them, or throw them to the ground. You cannot kick anything other than the ball.
Right. “Tackle” in soccer means going for the ball, not going for the player. So you’ll see a lot of side-by-side jostling as they fight for control of the ball, but you can’t just knock the chit out of a player in order to beat them to the ball.

You’ll see a slide tackle, where a player comes in sideways (as in parallel to the ground) in order to essentially punch the ball away off the opponent’s foot. If the challenger hits the ball cleanly, and the player who had the ball then trips/falls etc., it’s legal. If the challenger doesn’t time it right (or is deliberately playing dirty with the object of hitting the player rather than the ball), it’s a foul.

One of the things I enjoy about soccer is that referees are specifically supposed to avoid blowing the whistle unnecessarily. So if the blue team commits a foul while the red team is controlling the ball, and red team maintains control, the ref gestures to “play on.” In youth soccer, as kids get stronger and more skilled, refs usually tolerate a certain amount of bumping around if it’s pretty even on both sides, although they might give pointed advice to dial it back some.

I find basketball almost unwatchable at times due to the frequent whistling.
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It isn't the point of the game.
I'm not saying contact doesn't occur, it's just not the point of the game.
Are you saying that in football, contact is “the point of the game”? Surely point of the game is scoring, and contact is allowed as a tactic.

— contact by players in helmets, pads, braces, mouth guards, and everything else.

Tactically, soccer allows a flip throw, where the thrower plants the ball while starting a handspring and releases as s/he comes back up. I would deeply love to see this done in football as part of a forward pass. 😁

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