EndZone USA communist kickball thread.

Soccer is one of those sports I loved playing growing up, but hate to ever watch cause it bores me to tears.....I feel the same about baseball honestly. Except the latter is less emasculating.
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I’ve got an adult kid with lasting post-concussion symptoms. We’re not talking synchronized swimming here.
That sucks, but that can happen in many sports including Soccer, heck as of recent times, Soccer players been dropping like flies from heart issues (odd that)
Cheerleading is actually still the most dangerous sport...and I do think it maybe should be called that. Lots of spinal injuries.

I think there is something to be said though about a society that is willing to risk a little growing up in competition etc, vs one that isn't, and what bearing that may have on the societies general toughness and abilities in geopolitical conflicts. There's a reason each generation in this country is a little softer then the last.
Genuine question: do you consider basketball a contact sport? Rugby? How big of a whump does it have to be to be a contact sport?

I mean, golf, tennis, rowing sure, non-contact even though there are plenty of injuries.
Genuine question: do you consider basketball a contact sport? Rugby? How big of a whump does it have to be to be a contact sport?

I mean, golf, tennis, rowing sure, non-contact even though there are plenty of injuries.
Basketball, meh
Rugby, DUH!
Let’s not disparage synchronized swimming. It requires strength, skill, stamina, breath control - extraordinary exertion all while smiling, constantly smiling.
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Let’s not disparage synchronized swimming. It requires strength, skill, stamina, breath control - extraordinary exertion all while smiling, constantly smiling.
Absolutely. But it’s definitely non-contact. (Unless something goes really, really wrong, I guess.)
Genuine question: do you consider basketball a contact sport? Rugby? How big of a whump does it have to be to be a contact sport?

I mean, golf, tennis, rowing sure, non-contact even though there are plenty of injuries.
I think golf would be better if there was a goalie defending the cup.
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Soccer, basketball and baseball are by definition non-contact. Contact in each of those sports is illegal.

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