Erik Ainge calls Sanchez dumb


while i appreciate frankness, which is very rare in this fading republic, he's erik ainge.

not a leading authority on intelligence

Why do you say this? I know about his struggles with substance abuse but I don't think that necessarily makes him an idiot. Unless you're referring to something else that I'm unaware of or may have forgotten about. Just curious where you're coming from. :hi:
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The third team guy who washed out and is now hosting a radio call in show is calling the starting QB for the franchise that he wasn't good enough for dumb. Got it.
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Who would you rather have as your QB, an idiot or a drug addict? Personally, I'll take the idiot.

I wouldn't want either as my starting QB. Maybe it would be different if Sanchez was only an idiot off the field but he seems to be just as much of an idiot (or bad decision maker) on the field as well.

But if we're just talking in general, as bad as it may sound, I'd take which ever one was the better/more talented player. Would you not want a Michael Ivine on your team when he was into to drugs back when he played?
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“There were numerous times when things would happen, when things would go down, articles of clothing would be removed,” Ainge told Metro. “Mark is goofy. He played truth or dare. He was kind of awkward around girls, so he needed other people around him to help him out. I was good at that — there were other guys who were good with that. So we’d help him out and talk him through his awkwardness. It happened to him with the 17-year old who said she wasn’t 17. Now the butt video and there’s been several other issues just like that, but he’s always had wingmen.”
All he did was talk about his, experience with Sanchez from a personal perspective. What's the big deal. He knows more about his relationship with him than we do. Why the hate for telling the truth as he sees it.
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Erik really shouldn't be judging anyone else

Well...he's a talk show host...I guess he could just recite Sanchize's stats...and not put an opinion behind it...that's radio gold!
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I wouldn't want either as my starting QB. Maybe it would be different if Sanchez was only an idiot off the field but he seems to be just as much of an idiot (or bad decision maker) on the field as well.

But if we're just talking in general, as bad as it may sound, I'd take which ever one was the better/more talented player. Would you not want a Michael Ivine on your team when he was into to drugs back when he played?

I would never want an Irvine on my team.
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Well...he's a talk show host...I guess he could just recite Sanchize's stats...and not put an opinion behind it...that's radio gold!
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It wasn't on his show
All of you throwing stones need to take a step back. Are you perfect? I'll tell you right now I'm not! so, ainge has an opinion.. (In the real world) he's right. Am I a More Ron? Most likely... But I'm not a d***!
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