ESPN article: Rick Barnes proving to be the right choice for Tennessee


Read an article in the C T-FP yesterday on CRB's decades long friendship with John Calipari. CJC phoned Rick to talk about the Tennessee job. He told Rick that Tennessee was not a good job, but a great job. "The fanbase is great and they really care about basketball in Knoxville." The best associate with the best! Learning something new everyday makes life a bit more interesting .
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Living in Austin, it's amusing to watch us have more success with Barnes and our 3* then the longhorns are having with their 4 & 5*s.
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Living in Austin, it's amusing to watch us have more success with Barnes and our 3* then the longhorns are having with their 4 & 5*s.

Texas might have made a mistake running off Barnes, but after so many years with one coach those fans probably needed a change to make it more interesting. I'm surprised that Shaka hasn't won more but I think he'll get them rolling again if they give him enough time.
Read an article in the C T-FP yesterday on CRB's decades long friendship with John Calipari. CJC phoned Rick to talk about the Tennessee job. He told Rick that Tennessee was not a good job, but a great job. "The fanbase is great and they really care about basketball in Knoxville." The best associate with the best! Learning something new everyday makes life a bit more interesting .

Didn’t realize Barnes and Cal were close friends.
I found this interesting, I’ve been mentioning for a few weeks some of those tough 2’s we take aren’t very good shots...

With an outside shooting nucleus made up of Admiral Schofield, Lamonte Turner and Jordan Bowden, the Volunteers are hitting 40 percent of their 3-pointers in conference play. That's the second-best mark in the league (again, behind Auburn), and it raises the question of whether this offense could benefit from shooting even more 3s.

Thus far, Tennessee has devoted 35 percent of its attempts to tries from beyond the arc. That's a step below the conference average (37 percent), and it bears repeating that 100 3-point tries from a team shooting this well should net you 120 points. Barnes might want to experiment with an even greener light than what he has been showing to this point in the season.

Alternately, the head coach could bust out his red (or at least yellow?) light for use inside the arc. The aforementioned perimeter trio of Schofield, Turner and Bowden is teachably close to shooting the same collective percentage on 2s (43.2) as on 3s (42.0). From the standpoint of 2s, of course, that's not a good thing. Open layups notwithstanding, Tennessee could well benefit from fewer tries inside the arc from Volunteers not named Williams, Kyle Alexander and Derrick Walker.

A slight tweak in shot selection promises to pay dividends because this offense takes excellent care of the ball. UT has committed a turnover on just 16 percent of its possessions in SEC play. With this offense ending 84 percent of its trips with some form of shot and then hitting its 3s on top of that, opposing defenses have been hard-pressed to limit the Vols' scoring.

Basically Schofield, Turner and Bowden need to stop with the mid range stuff and either get to the rim or stick to the good looks they’re getting outside the arc.
I found this interesting, I’ve been mentioning for a few weeks some of those tough 2’s we take aren’t very good shots...

Basically Schofield, Turner and Bowden need to stop with the mid range stuff and either get to the rim or stick to the good looks they’re getting outside the arc.

If teams are collapsing into the paint and guarding the 3PL then TN needs guys that will exploit the midrange. Bone has been hitting some of those and Williams has from the high post.
If teams are collapsing into the paint and guarding the 3PL then TN needs guys that will exploit the midrange. Bone has been hitting some of those and Williams has from the high post.

Collapsing the post means those 3 point shots are open, you can’t do both...there’s been a lot of stats that show those 15-18ft shots aren’t high percentage, however of the 3 guys I mentioned none of them were named Williams or Bone.
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mid range is overrated. Not much higher shooting percentage than 3s.

Hubbs had a very smooth mid-range game that definitey gave us an extra weapon. If we had that, it would definitely not be overrated. I just don’t think we have anyone who can hit mid-range shots consistently.
Hubbs had a very smooth mid-range game that definitey gave us an extra weapon. If we had that, it would definitely not be overrated. I just don’t think we have anyone who can hit mid-range shots consistently.

Yes, Hubbs and Richardson both had strong mid-range games, Punter also to a lesser extent...those free throw line curls for Bowden have looked good as they happen and make sense, but he just doesn’t hit them, I’m not sure he’s a good enough jump shooter at this point to make those consistently, he needs to be more set.
Collapsing the post means those 3 point shots are open, you can’t do both...there’s been a lot of stats that show those 15-18ft shots aren’t high percentage, however of the 3 guys I mentioned none of them were named Williams or Bone.

Okay... guard the paint AND the 3PL which leaves the soft spot in the mid-range.
How the F does he know we’re hitting our peak?

Believe I saw a post somewhere that said something to the effect that if you restrict data to January 10th to now that Tennessee ranks as a Top 10 team. Now I’m not going to put a ceiling on what this team can do, but I’m not sure you can ask for much more than Top 10 which I would agree this team has been playing Top 10 ball the last month or so.
Believe I saw a post somewhere that said something to the effect that if you restrict data to January 10th to now that Tennessee ranks as a Top 10 team. Now I’m not going to put a ceiling on what this team can do, but I’m not sure you can ask for much more than Top 10 which I would agree this team has been playing Top 10 ball the last month or so.

Who’s to say we can’t go higher? Especially if Gasaway himself says there are opportunities to improve?

Anyway, I have to disagree somewhat with his notion we should be shooting more 3s. I think our high percentage has more to do with taking the right shots. The only specific circumstance where we need to improve is on those attempts where we get it around the rim and just force it up. Come tourney time I’m not sure we’ll be able to rely on a whistle to give us a opportunity at points. Mid range jumpers are likely going to be more productive - or an open 3
I heard Mike Decourcey on local radio this morning. He was asked about our team, and he said Barnes is under appreciated. He said he has known him a long time and is one of the great coaches to be around. Decourcey said Barnes is not a great offensive coach, but he will make his players tough. He said we are "kicking butt" and it's great to see. Really had some glowing remarks.
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Who’s to say we can’t go higher? Especially if Gasaway himself says there are opportunities to improve?

Anyway, I have to disagree somewhat with his notion we should be shooting more 3s. I think our high percentage has more to do with taking the right shots. The only specific circumstance where we need to improve is on those attempts where we get it around the rim and just force it up. Come tourney time I’m not sure we’ll be able to rely on a whistle to give us a opportunity at points. Mid range jumpers are likely going to be more productive - or an open 3

I mean I suppose, I just don’t see “the peak” for this current team meaning we are the #1 team in all of the land...and besides, very rarely does the actual #1 win it all. So if we are playing Top 10 ball on a consistent basis then I would think we are in pretty good shape and playing about as well as you could ask.

I’ve had similar thoughts about the 3 ball, we are getting good looks within the flow of the offense, I’m not sure our percentage stays quite that high if we start taking more...also if you become too reliant on the 3 ball all it takes is that one cold game in the NCAAT and you’re done.

Although I will say this, here’s every game we attempted at least 23 three pointers...

High Point 12/27 for 44% total points 84 result W
Purdue 9/23 for 39% total points 78 result W
Mercer 13/25 for 52% total points 84 result W
UNC 9/25 for 36% total points 73 result L
Arkansas 11/25 44% total points 93 result L
Iowa State 12/30 for 40% total points 68 result W
LSU 12/25 for 48% total points 84 result W
Ole Miss 13/29 for 45% total points 94 result W

So 6-2 averaging 82.5ppg and 91/209 overall from 3 for an average of 43.5% from deep.

So while I don’t think it necessarily proves we would win more I do think it shows there’s definitely an argument that can be made that we should be taking a couple more 3’s a game. In that span we averaged 26 3pta a game, we are closer to 19 3pta in our other games.
Which has proven to be the most inefficient way of scoring for Tennessee, that’s the point.

Taking the mid-range might create more opportunities for offensive rebounds if the shooter follows their shot.

TN just needs the right guys shooting the right way around 15'. Schofield doesn't need to be jacking up his fade-away that far from the basket and Turner needs to either step back or attack and draw fouls. LT needs a quicker release if he's to be effective in that range. Daniel being so small, defenders with length can disrupt his opportunities there. Fulkerson, Johnson, and Pons could make a good living in the 15-18' range if they work at it.
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I found this interesting, I’ve been mentioning for a few weeks some of those tough 2’s we take aren’t very good shots...

Basically Schofield, Turner and Bowden need to stop with the mid range stuff and either get to the rim or stick to the good looks they’re getting outside the arc.
The midrange game opens up the rest of their game tbh :).
Worst play that we run is for Admiral in the post. He isnt efficient as a post up player.
Worst play that we run is for Admiral in the post. He isnt efficient as a post up player.

He’s not Grant in the post, but he offers a post presence when Grant and Alexander aren’t playing that we wouldn’t have otherwise. Walker and Fulkerson are your next best post options. If Admiral doesn’t get post play, we’d have to abandon post plays for portions of the game when Grant/Alexander are in foul trouble or are fatigued.
I'd like to see the results of the cut, catch, and shoot play by Bowden at the FT stripe. He's been getting great open looks from that spot but not many have been dropping. Seems like it's about 2-10.

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