ESPN Loses Another 555,000 Subscribers Per Nielsen

Canceled UVerse today. Going with nothing but Internet for a while. Might pick up a Sling device or something later on.

Im checking out Playstation Vue -- it sounds like a good deal at least better than Comcast and its foreign customer service reps and high prices
Member when ESPN showed mostly sports...and they would even show Hockey on occasion! Good times.

Yes, and I remember when CNN showed news.

Both are losing viewers.

That said, I don't want ESPN to fail.. I like to watch my VOLS every Saturday.
Canceled UVerse today. Going with nothing but Internet for a while. Might pick up a Sling device or something later on.

Get you an Amazon Fire stick,(or whatever), with Kodi on it, if your internet is good then your TV problems are solved.

VN Store
