ESPN Post Spring power Rankings

South Carolina and bandy are too high IMO. Other than that, it's hard to argue with.
Depressing. We should be in the top 5. I have confidence in Coach Jones that we will be at the top soon enough.
:sick:I dont like it but this is not the Vandy of old they are better than us right now hate to say it but it is the truth, but we can do something about it.
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:sick:I dont like it but this is not the Vandy of old they are better than us right now hate to say it but it is the truth, but we can do something about it.

They beat a group Of boys who gave up on being a team and listening to the dools. We will see how they handle us in our house with a new regime. They are NOT better than us.

The fact that they buy out their hard ooc games should be indication enough.
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:sick:I dont like it but this is not the Vandy of old they are better than us right now hate to say it but it is the truth, but we can do something about it.

Did they beat us 27 years in a row? Vandy has had the easiest schedule for the past 2 years and the coming one. Still, they only beat teams with losing records during the season. If Franklin is the least bit intelligent he will realize that and find a good job before their schedule gets back to normal in 2014.
They beat a group Of boys who gave up on being a team and listening to the dools. We will see how they handle us in our house with a new regime. They are NOT better than us.

The fact that they buy out their hard ooc games should be indication enough.

UT bought itself out of the UNC game, and they're not even any good. What does that say about us?
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UT bought itself out of the UNC game, and they're not even any good. What does that say about us?

1) game vs GAMES. Candy bought out GAMES. Our game was also during the awful fooley regime. We did not buy out Oregon.

2) we don't brag about a 9-4 season where we didn't beat a team with a winning record because even if we went 9-4 its business as usual or should feel it and with our schedule we would be beating people with a winning record.

3) we have a coach with character that doesn't sub tweet to high school students when they snub him.
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Depressing. We should be in the top 5. I have confidence in Coach Jones that we will be at the top soon enough.

where can i get some of that stuff you're smoking?

We will be on our way to the top soon, but top 5 this year is ludicrous
They beat a group Of boys who gave up on being a team and listening to the dools. We will see how they handle us in our house with a new regime. They are NOT better than us.

The fact that they buy out their hard ooc games should be indication enough.

Amen to that!!! Vandy had its first good year ever and people are going ape $h!t that they're better than us; they aren't, and never will be in football.

We lost our spark, our fire, our passion, and our will to win under Dooley in his last couple of years but Jones is kicking some a$$ and I know that his passion will translate on the field.

The players that we are recruiting WANT TO BE HERE. The way that Hurd, Kelly, and Wharton are pumped up about this upcoming season has to get any fan of the Vol family pumped, and get those who receive a scholarship to feel lucky that they got one, and not a 'Oh, it's only Tennessee'.

We will be back folks, BOOK IT!
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where can i get some of that stuff you're smoking?

We will be on our way to the top soon, but top 5 this year is ludicrous

I wouldn't care if it had us at #1. It's a spring ranking...that's all. It's like they have Ohio State in front of Alabama.

All I can say is that we saw how good their ranking system did justice to USC.
UT bought itself out of the UNC game, and they're not even any good. What does that say about us?

It says nothing about us, it speaks about our AD and our old coach who we all hate and despise. The team didn't say we didn't want to play them, and our fans didn't, they did, and with that said. We have one of them out of our university and one to go. Damn you cheek for the extension, it better pay off or the door is gonna hit your cheeks on the way out also.

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