ESPN Post Spring power Rankings

It says nothing about us, it speaks about our AD and our old coach who we all hate and despise. The team didn't say we didn't want to play them, and our fans didn't, they did, and with that said. We have one of them out of our university and one to go. Damn you cheek for the extension, it better pay off or the door is gonna hit your cheeks on the way out also.

We actually got rid of both. Hammy was in charge of that buyout. Not hart.
I like this. I don't think we are as bad as this suggests, but I also think 6-6 would be a good year. Articles like this go a long ways towards tempering expectations, which will be important.
Given all that has happened '08 (Fulmer's last season) forward ...
*4 different HC's (*5 if you count JC as interim HC)
4 different staffs
numerous turnover
28-34 overall
12-28 SEC play
0-2 Bowl play
the loss of a majority of '12 offensive production including the starting QB and top 4 receivers, it is difficult to argue against ESPN's pre-season prediction. That said, I am confident in the fact that when CBJ was announced as the next HC for this program no one at ESPN (aside from maybe Trent Dilfer) predicted that Jones / Tennessee would be enjoying such recruiting success and be ranked #3 with only Texas (13) having more commitments.
In little more than four months CBJ and staff have accomplished much and impressed many in AND outside Vol Nation. The fall is fast approaching. To quote the late, great Al Davis, "Just win baby!!!"
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What's worse even with the new hire ESPN still hates us n thinks we r going to sux.. that's unacceptable folks. Yea we have a great recruiting class but think we r going to finish with that record n have a new coach which should be an upgrade..

No freaking excuses.. cbj talent is better than when kiff n dools took over so no whining about he needs 5 Years. 8 games min this year.

In cbj we trust!!! I suppose
Its all some stiffs' "prediction"...jeez! Who gives a rip what he thinks?
They beat a group Of boys who gave up on being a team and listening to the dools. We will see how they handle us in our house with a new regime. They are NOT better than us.

The fact that they buy out their hard ooc games should be indication enough.

Couldn't have said it better!:thumbsup:
#13? Good thing they expanded the SEC last year, or we wouldn't even have made the conference!

I laughed...well done!

Should we really care about SEC rankings based on a spring game?

If they UT ranked in the top 4 this place would blow up and it would have all the credibility in the world.

Seriously, the answer is no. No one should care about Spring football rankings. If so, why play the games in the Fall.
I don't care if we're ranked 112th. Let's win some ball games in the fall and show them who's running the ship now

Exactly. None of the rankings, twitter followers, or articles written matter.

If you win games on the field (the only place it matters) all of those other things will take care of themselves.
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Ok, maybe not a lot, since there can only be... four. But
1) game vs GAMES. Candy bought out GAMES. Our game was also during the awful fooley regime. We did not buy out Oregon.

2) we don't brag about a 9-4 season where we didn't beat a team with a winning record because even if we went 9-4 its business as usual or should feel it and with our schedule we would be beating people with a winning record.

3) we have a coach with character that doesn't sub tweet to high school students when they snub him.

If we go 9-4 this season, you had better believe that every orange-bleeding bloke on this site will be bragging about it.
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This shouldn't mean squat to anyone. It's a ranking.

Guarantee that Butch and Co. aren't worried over this.

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