ESPN spring top 25 has OSU > Bama



Mar 10, 2009
I know this isn't exactly the place for this, but just checked out their top 25 and OSU is #1 ahead of Bama. Now, normally I would laugh hysterically but now that Meyer is running the show its not so awful a thought. I also noticed A&M is ahead of UGA and (surprise) USC is ranked.
I can't believe they ranked USC again. Osu could be better, doubt it, but I wouldn't be suprised.
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I'd rather Meyer blow it and give the game to Bama. Win win.

And yes of course USC is ranked but they didn't wanna make a big controversy so they stuck them low.
Wish we were where our team deserves a ranking....

If butch can make a statement against an Oregon team that will most likely be in the middle if an NCAA investigation then we might set ourselves up for big hype come swamp time again.
Ohio State struggled to beat so many teams last season.

Yes, they were undefeated and yes, Meyer is great.

But we all saw what Saban did to Florida once he got Alabama built up and those Meyer teams in Florida would destroy the Ohio State team he was coaching last season.
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There is one think I have learned. Notre-dame,USC and Ohio State will always be ranked in the pre-season. That is just how it is. And then the season happens!
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If butch can make a statement against an Oregon team that will most likely be in the middle if an NCAA investigation then we might set ourselves up for big hype come swamp time again.

I agree! I think our team has something to prove and nothing to lose at this point. I'm very excited to see what protection and holes our OL can produce against their defense.

Hopefully us running at such a high tempo all fall and spring has conditioned us to keep up with the ducks. I just hope that the halftime curse doesn't still exist; I'm running out of money due to the high price of alcoholic drinks!
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