ESPN spring top 25 has OSU > Bama

As often as their name comes up in here lately quite a few people do. I don't get it.

I just feel pity for them that they think they'll ever be the main football team in Tennessee. CN has a better chance at that and even then its a snowballs chance.
...why is this a top thread in the Tennessee Vols Football section of the forum?

As opposed to, I don't know, some section designated for other news from other teams making up, no wait, "around" the NCAA
When will people learn that the SEC is domination station. This is like take a leak on someone much stronger then you just to get a rise out of them, then asking them not to get up a beat the whole you know what out of you once you are finished. This is just fuel for the fire to BAMA.
...why is this a top thread in the Tennessee Vols Football section of the forum?

As opposed to, I don't know, some section designated for other news from other teams making up, no wait, "around" the NCAA

Sorry, but I didn't feel like exausting myself with a few extra clicks. Plus, why put your house in the classifieds when you can call a realtor? Well that was lame but whatever.
So Ohio State is #1 because 'they have an easier schedule' than Alabama? Ranking teams higher in the pre-season because of their "weaker schedules" has to be one of the dumbest trends in college football.
OSU did go undefeated last year and Urban has that program rolling in the right direction. Plus, Braxton Miller is returning
I know this isn't exactly the place for this, but just checked out their top 25 and OSU is #1 ahead of Bama. Now, normally I would laugh hysterically but now that Meyer is running the show its not so awful a thought. I also noticed A&M is ahead of UGA and (surprise) USC is ranked.

Just away to make Big 10 or 12 PAC pic a # ACC basketfootball league relevant before the playoff system is in place....:hi:
I want to bUTch slap each of you that said you want to see Bama win an NC over OSU. We NEVER wish anything good on Bama. Ever.
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:banghead2:Ohio Little state will lose this year they got lucky last year about 6 times they really was not that good, they wont have all the breaks go there way this year, now bama on the other hand will lose 1 but get there and win it again.I hate them BOS dont you.:banghead2:
I want SCar to beat OSU in the NC. Spurrier can then laugh..and gtfo
I want to bUTch slap each of you that said you want to see Bama win an NC over OSU. We NEVER wish anything good on Bama. Ever.

What's this we crap kemosabe? You should buy everyone in VN a beer for wishing anything good for the tiny ten......especially freaking osu.
What's this we crap kemosabe? You should buy everyone in VN a beer for wishing anything good for the tiny ten......especially freaking osu.

Buck Fama. Oh, and screw the SEC. I root for The Tennessee Volunteers.

I can't stand the Big 11-13, or whatever they call these days, as much as the next guy but if Oh St. wins a NC it isn't that big of a deal. Oh, and it would never happen because any team who wins the SEC championship would destroy a team from the big 10 or pac 12.

In closing I will add. Buck Fama!
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What's this we crap kemosabe? You should buy everyone in VN a beer for wishing anything good for the tiny ten......especially freaking osu.

I would give every team in the big 1G 10 NC titles before I'd even consider giving one to Bama.

I don't care about this SEC SEC bull shizzle. If its not UT winning it then F 'em. If you hate OSU more than Bama then you might as well just admit you're a Michigan fan.
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