ESPN spring top 25 has OSU > Bama

I know this isn't exactly the place for this, but just checked out their top 25 and OSU is #1 ahead of Bama. Now, normally I would laugh hysterically but now that Meyer is running the show its not so awful a thought. I also noticed A&M is ahead of UGA and (surprise) USC is ranked.

Bama would drink Ohio states milkshake, and they would do nothing.
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If butch can make a statement against an Oregon team that will most likely be in the middle if an NCAA investigation then we might set ourselves up for big hype come swamp time again.

If we had a QB with some experience (some will read this as Bray, but no I just mean experience), then I wouldn't hate our odds.

But in Autzen? Might as well be Auschwitz for a green QB.
Eventhough we have stunk for many years now it is still oddfor me to not see Tennessee ranked in the top 25. Man how things change. I hope we get back into the thick of things....soon.

Stinking stinks.
Herman Hickman, a great Vol from the past, once said "I'm neutral about Vanderbilt, I don't care WHO beats 'em!" I feel the same way & I will add Alabama & Florida to that "neutral" list!
I would give every team in the big 1G 10 NC titles before I'd even consider giving one to Bama.

I don't care about this SEC SEC bull shizzle. If its not UT winning it then F 'em. If you hate OSU more than Bama then you might as well just admit you're a Michigan fan.


Those are fightin' words, pal. And the Suckeyes can get just as bent...
Tennessee will always be #1 in our hearts. Rise up and take pride in the Tennessee brand. Sunshine pump is activated. :)

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