Europe on the brink.



Sir Loves
Sep 23, 2012
While we here in America are set up quite nicely for a rebound, Europe may have other plans. The Bank of England, Deutsche Bank, and Credit Suisse are all saying they are on the brink of a 2008 collapse. It's concerning for the whole world. These are entities that are "too big to fail" and therefore, RIPE for corruption from the wealthy.

A watch thread...
While we here in America are set up quite nicely for a rebound, Europe may have other plans. The Bank of England, Deutsche Bank, and Credit Suisse are all saying they are on the brink of a 2008 collapse. It's concerning for the whole world. These are entities that are "too big to fail" and therefore, RIPE for corruption from the wealthy.

A watch thread...
What happens when you shut down global supply chains?
This is about credit lending. Debt. Cheap debt. Years of near 0% interest free money. The Trumpers economy. Trickle down. Only it never trickles down. It gets laundered away and held in offshore tax fee accounts out of the market.
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This is about credit lending. Debt. Cheap debt. Years of near 0% interest free money. The Trumpers economy. Trickle down. Only it never trickles down. It gets laundered away and held in offshore tax fee accounts out of the market.
Low interest rates occurred during Obama and Clinton, too. If you’re going to assign blame, remember that cheap credit is a bipartisan issue.
Not that low buddy. They were managed markets returning from "trickle down" markets. This is because of a firestorm runaway market of free debt, in the hands if a few. We all told you it would happen. last time it was lehman bros. We always have to rebound from that runaway criminal market in the hands of a few corrupt.
Not that low buddy. They were managed markets returning from "trickle down" markets. This is because of a firestorm runaway market of free debt, in the hands if a few. We all told you it would happen. last time it was lehman bros. We always have to rebound from that runaway criminal market in the hands of a few corrupt.
lol. Ok boomer. Keep right on thinking it’s only the GOP. There are just as many left wing billionaires pulling the strings of power in DC.
This time, frumps market lead to more frumpers in Europe, in leadership positions, who all did the same stupid ish.
While we here in America are set up quite nicely for a rebound, Europe may have other plans. The Bank of England, Deutsche Bank, and Credit Suisse are all saying they are on the brink of a 2008 collapse. It's concerning for the whole world. These are entities that are "too big to fail" and therefore, RIPE for corruption from the wealthy.

This is a watch thread. In progress, all in question have made separate official statements admitting so, in separate stories. The rumours are flying everywhere, and all the financial guys are now talking about it.

We are watching the situation.
This is about credit lending. Debt. Cheap debt. Years of near 0% interest free money. The Trumpers economy. Trickle down. Only it never trickles down. It gets laundered away and held in offshore tax fee accounts out of the market.

Oh give me a break with that Trumpers economy crap . They went all in lock stock and crumpets in on the Covid Bs , literally shut themselves down and locked themselves away in their homes . What do you expect the out come of that is going to be for any country ? You goobers with your pink hats can’t even see what your crazy actions cause when the expected outcome of these actions are slapping you in the face . How’s the Yuan doing in China ? I guess their Trumper economy is killing them to ? 😂
Bank of England is a Torre Hedge Fund scandal rn. They had everyone's pension funds tied up in a bad hedge fund. The other two are where frumpy pants and partners swindled business, and are a result of his crimes against society. No other way to look at it.
This is a watch thread. In progress, all in question have made separate official statements admitting so, in separate stories. The rumours are flying everywhere, and all the financial guys are now talking about it.
I want to know when the Bank of England said they're at the brink of a 2008-type event.
Bank of England is a Torre Hedge Fund scandal rn. They had everyone's pension funds tied up in a bad hedge fund. The other two are where frumpy pants and partners swindled business, and are a result of his crimes against society. No other way to look at it.

You can NOT shut down your country’s economy for any reason , continue to spend money , and not suffer the consequences of that action . It’s just that simple .
I want to know when the Bank of England said they're at the brink of a 2008-type event.

I thought they said the BOE stepped in to stop a free fall in their markets . I could have read that wrong though
That's when frumpy pantsism spread to Europe and johnson was installed by the Torres. Now Truss is doubling down on the same policies, and England is not very happy.
That's when frumpy pantsism spread to Europe and johnson was installed by the Torres. Now Truss is doubling down on the same policies, and England is not very happy.
Elections have consequences. Isn’t that what Obama told the opposition?
Not that low buddy. They were managed markets returning from "trickle down" markets. This is because of a firestorm runaway market of free debt, in the hands if a few. We all told you it would happen. last time it was lehman bros. We always have to rebound from that runaway criminal market in the hands of a few corrupt.
I know this special friend doesn’t speak for most of our regular friends to the Left of the aisle.

But more of this is no doubt coming. Who can we blame for shutting down global supply chains???

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