Europe on the brink.

These intities hold something like 5 times what lehman held.

Don't forget Deutsche Bank is also in trouble. Thier apt. head is the guy that was in the middle of the MOSCO Mitch Aluminum plant scandal! Somehow, you guys keep putting the same criminals in charge of the money lmao.
I remember you being incorrect in your wealth inequality diagnosis.
Well I said you might remember, not that you agreed.

I remember you were of the opinion that the worst was behind us, and it had not been that bad.
While we here in America are set up quite nicely for a rebound, Europe may have other plans. The Bank of England, Deutsche Bank, and Credit Suisse are all saying they are on the brink of a 2008 collapse. It's concerning for the whole world. These are entities that are "too big to fail" and therefore, RIPE for corruption from the wealthy.

A watch thread...

My opinion is this is all being done intentionally so they can usher in a totally new system, a global digital currency. With the billions we are sending to Ukraine every month we are right behind them.
I know the kids are hoping for an economic disaster, and trying to sling buttcoins, but America really does have a digital coin in the works.
I know the kids are hoping for an economic disaster, and trying to sling buttcoins, but America really does have a digital coin in the works.

Cryptos are going to fall with everything else, its all a function of the global credit system i.e. U.S. Dollar.
Well I said you might remember, not that you agreed.

I remember you were of the opinion that the worst was behind us, and it had not been that bad.
What I disagreed with was you saying that the Covid rules/lockdowns increased wealth inequality. They did not.

Now, the Fed Covid policy (QE) eventually lead to an inflated stock market, which obviously benefits the rich, but that wasn't what you cited.
The bailouts are only starting, first was the European energy sector, now it will move to other areas i.e. banking. The Fed will probably start opening those emergency foreign credit lines (as I stated last week). The larger problem is eventually you run out of road to kick the can. Looking at a depression (de-industrialization) for Europe and a severe recession for the United States going forward best case, worse case you guys don't really want to hear.
What I disagreed with was you saying that the Covid rules/lockdowns increased wealth inequality. They did not.

Now, the Fed Covid policy (QE) eventually lead to an inflated stock market, which obviously benefits the rich, but that wasn't what you cited.
No… I said the Covid lockdowns would create wealth inequality.

Key point being you keep referring to it in the past tense, I maintain it is still coming.
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Man..Europe looks to be heading towards a disaster. All the entire Western world..and the CCP looks to be crashing.
Only thing that typically occurs out of all these is war.
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Sberbank you say? oh yeah, they will be in the middle of this somehow. That's where KY, Florida and the GOP were doing business.

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