Europe on the brink.

Seems like you guys are the only ones who doubt it.
Doubt what? That a serious crash is currently unfolding?

I was in the Stock Market thread over a year ago touting the coming Covid crash and all of the increased wealth inequality that would spring from it.

@Velo Vol might remember
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Not that low buddy. They were managed markets returning from "trickle down" markets. This is because of a firestorm runaway market of free debt, in the hands if a few. We all told you it would happen. last time it was lehman bros. We always have to rebound from that runaway criminal market in the hands of a few corrupt.

you realize that Powell raised rates during Trump's term right? from the time he took office until the Fed stopped raising rates it the rate went from .75 to 2.50. They cut it back to 1.75 then during Covid cut it back to near zero.

average rates were lower during Obama's terms than during Trump.
you realize that Powell raised rates during Trump's term right? from the time he took office until the Fed stopped raising rates it the rate went from .75 to 2.50. They cut it back to 1.75 then during Covid cut it back to near zero.

average rates were lower during Obama's terms than during Trump.

Facts be damned !

And here we had a damn good troll thread effort going too.
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Just give DD every position of power and the world would hum.
Another thread on anti right. Last I saw this nation...led by a majority Congress and the Executive, is in recession.
Not that low buddy. They were managed markets returning from "trickle down" markets. This is because of a firestorm runaway market of free debt, in the hands if a few. We all told you it would happen. last time it was lehman bros. We always have to rebound from that runaway criminal market in the hands of a few corrupt.
I’d call zero a pretty low rate

While we here in America are set up quite nicely for a rebound, Europe may have other plans. The Bank of England, Deutsche Bank, and Credit Suisse are all saying they are on the brink of a 2008 collapse. It's concerning for the whole world. These are entities that are "too big to fail" and therefore, RIPE for corruption from the wealthy.

A watch thread...

Hint - Europe has been run by leftist commies for years.
The way I see it..the past 20 years we have tried to be like the EU, why I have no idea, and even now I think they are going like WTH America. Go woke go broke.
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This is about credit lending. Debt. Cheap debt. Years of near 0% interest free money. The Trumpers economy. Trickle down. Only it never trickles down. It gets laundered away and held in offshore tax fee accounts out of the market.

Rates have been going down since the early 80s, the fed doesn't set the rates... the markets do. What are the markets telling you.... well, it might not be over but the fat lady is warming up.

The global credit market system (U.S. dollar with attached interest) has a shelf life and the shelf life is expiring. With interest you need infinite power, the problem is... humans have no ability to demand and supply exponentially long-term, over a generation or so. You can't print oil, gas, materials and food.

All systems within the preview of humans come to the end of a cycle, eventually. The bigger the boom, the bigger the bust.

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Doubt what? That a serious crash is currently unfolding?

I was in the Stock Market thread over a year ago touting the coming Covid crash and all of the increased wealth inequality that would spring from it.

@Velo Vol might remember
I remember you being incorrect in your wealth inequality diagnosis.

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