Even more petty and vindictive behavior

You mean when he turned off the lights like a lady boi when they were OUTSIDE of the WH perimeter fence?

Versus your clownish friends kicking in the doors of the Capitol?

I'm astonished at how you can manage to be wrong and obtuse so often, it's like a superpower for people who are looking to be the best at being wrong.




uuuuhhhh The president doesn’t look around and say “y’all take me to the bunker!” To the Secret service. The secret service grabs him and tells him where to go. Just like they grabbed Pence During the worst attack on any Capitol In the history of the world.

The Trump hiding in the bunker is possibly the most ridiculous spin the left has come up with.
uuuuhhhh The president doesn’t look around and say “y’all take me to the bunker!” To the Secret service. The secret service grabs him and tells him where to go. Just like they grabbed Pence During the worst attack on any Capitol In the history of the world.

The Trump hiding in the bunker is possibly the most ridiculous spin the left has come up with.

Give them time and the left will top all absurdity that's gone before. The NYT is already doing literary victory laps saying that because of security far right protesters are no shows at state capitols - like they ever really planned to be there. Have to give them credit for saying "protesters" rather than "rioters" though.
It’s insincere at best to claim Trump wasn’t damaging. If we can’t agree on that, then there’s no point in conversing because we are working on different sets of facts. Look at where we are under his watch...

I never claimed he wasn't damaging in some ways (he was to an extent) but not quite as bad as you let on. Regardless, when you set the bar for the discussion here:

no, I can’t have a SERIOUS discussion with anyone who thinks that Trump was anything but destructive.

You are as Louder said, "I can't have a discussion about it since you don't think the same way I do." @n_huffhines keeps talking about an echo chamber. Hopefully he chimes in and gives you a gentle chiding over your closed mindedness.

You really don't want to have the discussion because you might have to admit you're wrong and face up to the fact Trump wasn't as "destructive" as you think he was.
She’s a POS and made up the whole Russian collusion story to begin with

Well, Trumpsters have to say that or admit they have been backing a Russian stooge and con man the entire time. So I am pretty confident it's all true. Trump will be exposed more and more as time goes by for his betrayal of the country. And every time another revelation comes out, you'll have to face up to what you supported.
I never claimed he wasn't damaging in some ways (he was to an extent) but not quite as bad as you let on. Regardless, when you set the bar for the discussion here:

You are as Louder said, "I can't have a discussion about it since you don't think the same way I do." @n_huffhines keeps talking about an echo chamber. Hopefully he chimes in and gives you a gentle chiding over your closed mindedness.

You really don't want to have the discussion because you might have to admit you're wrong and face up to the fact Trump wasn't as "destructive" as you think he was.

I have eyes and ears, I know the condition our country is in now as opposed to 4 years ago. No amount of “chiding” can rob me of my perceptiveness, and I know who was in charge.
I have eyes and ears, I know the condition our country is in now as opposed to 4 years ago. No amount of “chiding” can rob me of my perceptiveness, and I know who was in charge.

So, exactly what were all these disasters you spoke of?
Well, Trumpsters have to say that or admit they have been backing a Russian stooge and con man the entire time. So I am pretty confident it's all true. Trump will be exposed more and more as time goes by for his betrayal of the country. And every time another revelation comes out, you'll have to face up to what you supported.
You’re an incredibly wooly sheep
uuuuhhhh The president doesn’t look around and say “y’all take me to the bunker!” To the Secret service. The secret service grabs him and tells him where to go. Just like they grabbed Pence During the worst attack on any Capitol In the history of the world.

The Trump hiding in the bunker is possibly the most ridiculous spin the left has come up with.

100% chance Donny was in the fetal position in the closet in the back room of the bunker when the SS said 'maybe we ought to turn off the lights?'
I admitted I am angry. So effin what. Not because of your post.
And Joe is still a puss

Are you angry that your friends stormed the Capitol or are you angry that they were not successful in stopping the certification of Biden's EC votes? Are you angry at Pence for failing to stop the steal?
this is pretty petty...

Considering the "courtesies" the dims have shown Trump the last four years, he should have denied Biden's plane permission to land. Let the SOB walk. I'm disappointed that Trump didn't actually set in motion an investigation like the one he faced coming in to office and leave the place scorched earth. I assume he realized the makeup of the FBI and DOJ and decided it wasn't worth the effort anyway.
Since you know he was "killed", you surely have the autopsy reports showing the exact causes other than he collapsed after scuffling with protesters. The interesting thing is that the media say he was "killed by protesters" but don't have anything but speculation. I suppose to your side if he died of something that exacerbated a preexisting condition that would equal "killed", but it would be very interesting to see something other than speculation ... if it exists.

Yeah you have taken notes from the crybaby drumpf. If you don't like a fact then try to poke holes in the logic. Works okay until you incite a riot that attemps to destroy america.

No one has called me to perform an autopsy of the officer. Unless you have some documents to share then you are just following half-wit "conspiracy" theories. Which if you haven't figured out discredits the sacrifice of honorable people.

Regardless, if a pre-existing condition was exacerbated by the terrorists then yes, blood is on their hands. That's not a partisan viewpoint, it's just common sense.
Good grief, the old saying of a woman scorned...

Clinton suggests Putin may have known about riot in Capitol, Pelosi wants 9/11 commission-type probe

You know, I thought it was a mistake for Trump to not go after Hillary after he got into office and appoint a special prosecutor. But at the time, I thought it would have been wrong after we just got through with a pretty contentious election and he should let the matter go.

He was wrong not to do it.
Petty an vindictive? lol. More like psychotic and deranged. She needs to take a hike
Considering the "courtesies" the dims have shown Trump the last four years, he should have denied Biden's plane permission to land. Let the SOB walk. I'm disappointed that Trump didn't actually set in motion an investigation like the one he faced coming in to office and leave the place scorched earth. I assume he realized the makeup of the FBI and DOJ and decided it wasn't worth the effort anyway.

So serious question, tell me which country would you like to live in? Since America is so horrible which country would the drumpfsters love to populate?
Yeah you have taken notes from the crybaby drumpf. If you don't like a fact then try to poke holes in the logic. Works okay until you incite a riot that attemps to destroy america.

No one has called me to perform an autopsy of the officer. Unless you have some documents to share then you are just following half-wit "conspiracy" theories. Which if you haven't figured out discredits the sacrifice of honorable people.

Regardless, if a pre-existing condition was exacerbated by the terrorists then yes, blood is on their hands. That's not a partisan viewpoint, it's just common sense.

Nope, I noticed early on that there was nothing specific about how the cop was injured or if he was in fact actually injured. I looked at several articles - MSM drivel - not one had anything definitive other than he collapsed and later died. No mention of wounds or anything else - speculation about being hit with a fire extinguisher - but no proof and speculation about something toxic - but no proof. Simply because events happen simultaneously, it doesn't mean they are actually related. If it was a pre-existing condition likely to be exacerbated by confrontation, then he should have been found medically unfit for the job. If you can't link cause and effect, then you've got no business saying that protesters killed someone.
So serious question, tell me which country would you like to live in? Since America is so horrible which country would the drumpfsters love to populate?

I like this country just fine ... but without your kind. We used to be pretty good before the liberal plague dumbed down the place.
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uuuuhhhh The president doesn’t look around and say “y’all take me to the bunker!” To the Secret service. The secret service grabs him and tells him where to go. Just like they grabbed Pence During the worst attack on any Capitol In the history of the world.

The Trump hiding in the bunker is possibly the most ridiculous spin the left has come up with.

I could almost agree with you here but drumpf doing what drumpf does, he lies.

He tells everyone that he went to the bunker for 'inspection". Another lie that his supporters eat up because he talks "tough".
I like this country just fine ... but without your kind. We used to be pretty good before the liberal plague dumbed down the place.

You like this country? Wow you fooled me.

If you don't understand drumpf lost the election and he is a terrorist then I suggest you live somewhere else. You are the mindless minority.
Nope, I noticed early on that there was nothing specific about how the cop was injured or if he was in fact actually injured. I looked at several articles - MSM drivel - not one had anything definitive other than he collapsed and later died. No mention of wounds or anything else - speculation about being hit with a fire extinguisher - but no proof and speculation about something toxic - but no proof. Simply because events happen simultaneously, it doesn't mean they are actually related. If it was a pre-existing condition likely to be exacerbated by confrontation, then he should have been found medically unfit for the job. If you can't link cause and effect, then you've got no business saying that protesters killed someone.

You need to look harder many articles discuss him dying from his injuries caused by the terrorists. His death is also still under investigation, so details are not out yet.
Besides, I am sure your conspiracy drivel will provide you with plenty of fake news.

You are wrong about the pre-existing condition. Blood is on all their hands, when they decided to become terrorists they take responsibility for it all.
You like this country? Wow you fooled me.

If you don't understand drumpf lost the election and he is a terrorist then I suggest you live somewhere else. You are the mindless minority.

Well, I'll admit to being in the "minority" who didn't vote for an old fart with dementia. The same clown who for years can't keep his facts or his thoughts straight. The same fool who has been in politics for almost 50 years without anything notable to his name ... other than using his position to become very wealthy. If understanding that and other negative characteristics that happen every time your fools run the place make me a "mindless" minority, I can live with that. I'd brush up on what mindless means though.
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You need to look harder many articles discuss him dying from his injuries caused by the terrorists. His death is also still under investigation, so details are not out yet.
Besides, I am sure your conspiracy drivel will provide you with plenty of fake news.

You are wrong about the pre-existing condition. Blood is on all their hands, when they decided to become terrorists they take responsibility for it all.

So this means he was killed days ago by an angry mob, but investigators can't find any evidence of wounds? That seems pretty unusual to state someone was killed without evidence to back it up.
Considering the "courtesies" the dims have shown Trump the last four years, he should have denied Biden's plane permission to land. Let the SOB walk. I'm disappointed that Trump didn't actually set in motion an investigation like the one he faced coming in to office and leave the place scorched earth. I assume he realized the makeup of the FBI and DOJ and decided it wasn't worth the effort anyway.
Now the dumb bast$$$$ want courtesy.
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