Even more petty and vindictive behavior

That plan would have to include specific mention of storming, breaking into the capital for it to be a conspiracy. Planing to go to DC and "raise some hell" isn't a conspiracy.

I guess it depends on if raising some hell means committing a crime or not.
"Around eight to 10 people wearing helmets, reinforced vests and clothing with paraphernalia identifying themselves of the right-wing militia group Oath Keepers moved in a tactical fashion and forced their way to the front of the crowd, a video cited in the complaint shows."

Maybe they were antifa false flags.

I had to go to CNN to find the article for your quote.

Like many things conservative, I love how they are "fringe" and whatnot.
Hell, people have been carrying the water for the rioters for a week now and seem to think its worth the effort.
Oh bull ****. Anybody that forcibly entered the Capitol broke the law. Prosecute them. They are adults and responsible for their actions.

However after the last year of normalizing destructive civil disobedience don't act like it wasn’t unprecedented it just happened to occur in DC. Did any lawmakers go post their bail this time FFS?

I can understand why somebody chose to act badly while still recognizing they were wrong. That isn’t carrying water.
I had to go to CNN to find the article for your quote.

Like many things conservative, I love how they are "fringe" and whatnot.

I got my quote from WSJ. Sorry, but I'm not gonna go slogging through the Gateway Pundit to find a media outlet you'll accept.
Oh bull ****. Anybody that forcibly entered the Capitol broke the law. Prosecute them. They are adults and responsible for their actions.

However after the last year of normalizing destructive civil disobedience don't act like it wasn’t unprecedented it just happened to occur in DC. Did any lawmakers go post their bail this time FFS?

I can understand why somebody chose to act badly while still recognizing they were wrong. That isn’t carrying water.

The "I learned it by watching you!" defense.

And there is the problem. No more wall to wall counseling, midnight little people exercises or footlocker drills.

Every basic training company at Ft Benning had at least one sawdust pit where drill sergeants invited the clumsy or slow learners or just plain stupid recruits for some additional PT - generally things like a dying cockroach just to make sure the sawdust went down the shirt and found sweaty skin to irritate. And drill sergeants loved to run and quick march - of course, they did it on the crown of a dirt road, and recruits got to keep up in the sand filled ruts. Good ole character building days. One of the best tools Drill Sergeants had at their disposal that probably still exists today is punishing the whole group for an individual's infraction - peer counseling/correction is pretty effective in just about any circumstance.
Every basic training company at Ft Benning had at least one sawdust pit where drill sergeants invited the clumsy or slow learners or just plain stupid recruits for some additional PT - generally things like a dying cockroach just to make sure the sawdust went down the shirt and found sweaty skin to irritate. And drill sergeants loved to run and quick march - of course, they did it on the crown of a dirt road, and recruits got to keep up in the sand filled ruts. Good ole character building days. One of the best tools Drill Sergeants had at their disposal that probably still exists today is punishing the whole group for an individual's infraction - peer counseling/correction is pretty effective in just about any circumstance.

You go through Harmony Church section of Benning?
You go through Harmony Church section of Benning?

Yes. I can't recall that Harmony Church was ever mentioned much, but Sand Hill was mentioned frequently as the "other place" - never knew if that was good or bad.
Been going on for years. The Navy was especially flush with gangbangers at one time.

I think a lot has to do with the "stay out of jail" card that judges have played over the years. I'd assumed it died with the Viet Nam era, but apparently it's still alive and well.
Yeah, but Drill Sergeants have to be nice now - no more insulting, slurs, or other demeaning stuff that would make millennials curl up in balls and cry.

DIs still make them cry. They have other methods.
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