Everything you need to know about the zone read

Midline Read:
Here’s another fun play. Defensives scheme all week expecting you to read there DE’s, but very little time is spent teaching a DT what to do when he’s being read. This play also compliments Wham really well. If you run wham two or three times and then call the midline read, the NG is going to turn around expecting the TE to take his head off. Then your QB is going to run through backside A gap for about 60 yards. Clemson and Oregon both run this. It’s a simple play. The backside man’s up with the DE and OLB. And then the Center leaves the NG.


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I'm trying to show a mix of different possible defensive fronts. If you guys want to see anything I haven't shown, let me know.
We always pick up blitzes based on our zone concepts. So if I'm the LG and someone blitzes A gap, and the plays going right, I pick it up.

If the plays going left and they blitz A gap, the center would pick that up for me, and I would continue to B gap.

We're saying the same thing. You pick up the guy in the zone you're going to block.
We're saying the same thing. You pick up the guy in the zone you're going to block.

Exactly. Sorry if I misunderstood you. I think your BOB call is close to my bear call. If a team gives us a bear front (meaning a defensive lineman in front of both of my guards and 1 over my center), then we will just man up on them.

We call BOB our iso play. For us it means Back on Backer.
Bash/QB Zone:
Here’s what Florida did a lot with Tebow and two fast rb’s he had. It’s something we may be able to do with Peterman and Neal/Young. You use your RB to control the backside DE this time and your QB runs the zone. If the backside DE does anything other than step outside, you hand off and let the rb outrun him. If not, the QB keeps the ball and runs the zone. I like it out of trips, because if the RB outruns the DE, he’s got a better chance of taking it to the house out of trips.


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2 Weak:
After the defense has realized that they can’t stop you with a basic scrape/exchange scheme, the next thing you’ll see is a 2 weak blitz. This simply means they send an extra defender off the weak edge. This allows their OLB to stay home for cutback runs, and the DE to chase the RB, and still enables the defense to have an extra defender to take the quarterback.
1 answer to this is to run more from the pistol like Nevada does. This prevents the defense from knowing which way you’ll run the zone. But you can also get the same advantage by running the bash/qb zone that we just mentioned.
The more common answer to this; however, is to throw the bubble screen. For some teams this is an automatic uncovered look. If the QB thinks pre-snap that the man over H or Y is cheating inside for the run, and that he can throw the bubble screen on them, then he will simply open up and throw the football. He doesn’t have to tell anyone else. The RB will go through and make his own fake, and the offensive line will still be blocking run.
X/Z will block the corner, and H/Y will run outside (away from the rest of the defense) on the snap of the football. Looking back over his inside shoulder for the football.


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Here's some great links for additional reading on zone and zone read. Please hit me up with any questions, I love talking football.

In closing, let's not just be the biggest or best fan base this year. Let's be the best educated! If you learn the new staff's schemes, I think you'll be as excited as I am!

Chip Kelly describing the Oregon offense (very similar): http://www.trojanfootballanalysis.com/pdfdocs/oregonruns.pdf

Alex Gibbs teaching Urban Meyer how to run the zone: Cripes! Get back to fundamentals...: Alex Gibbs: Stretch/Gun Run Developments (Part 1)

Calvin Magee when he was at West Virginia (Rich Rod's OC) teaching Urban Meyer how they run zone read, no huddle, and their bubble screen game:
Cripes! Get back to fundamentals...: Calvin Magee

Smart Football is one of the best sites around:
Zone Read | Smart Football

Fish Duck is dedicated to breaking down the Oregon offense:
FishDuck | Oregon Ducks Football Analysis For The Casual Fan
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Exactly. Sorry if I misunderstood you. I think your BOB call is close to my bear call. If a team gives us a bear front (meaning a defensive lineman in front of both of my guards and 1 over my center), then we will just man up on them.

We call BOB our iso play. For us it means Back on Backer.

Every scheme has different terminology. I'm in California, and football is a little different every where.
Every scheme has different terminology. I'm in California, and football is a little different every where.

Exactly. I'm in NC. I had never heard the term Scat before I got here. It didn't take me long to realize it's a curl flat combo like Y stick, but still terminology can be misleading at times.
I agree ..this is Butch Jones !! Welcome to Board Coach..Dooley never tried this and Fulmer didn't know what internet was..(No offense..Fulmer is a great Coach)
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Exactly. I'm in NC. I had never heard the term Scat before I got here. It didn't take me long to realize it's a curl flat combo like Y stick, but still terminology can be misleading at times.

Scat is a Mazzone thing. Snag and Scat are his two babies. Way I categorize scat is a free-release backer.
I agree ..this is Butch Jones !! Welcome to Board Coach..Dooley never tried this and Fulmer didn't know what internet was..(No offense..Fulmer is a great Coach)

Serious....Heard Dooley in a post game wrap up say..."We played zone D and just ask our players to run around a bit back there and as the play unfolds find someone to cover."

That's all he had.
Scat is a Mazzone thing. Snag and Scat are his two babies. Way I categorize scat is a free-release backer.
Round here most get the scat terminology from the old butch Davis staff, but same thing. Both have jimmy Johnson ties, right?
Thank you very much VOL8188. Greatly enjoyed your insightful posts.
Great thread.

I like looking at this while watching the Cincy run game last night.

I think Derrick Green would fit nicely in this O!

Great posts. I love reading about the strategy of the game and these post are very well written.

I do have 2 questions.

I know I've seen Jones run a counter play, but does he ever run power or buck sweep? I know Chip Kelly and Oregon are primarily a zone running team but they use power/counter/buck as a change up on occasion.

Also, on the bubble screen do they treat it as a triple option and have the QB read the nickel during the play to determine whether to run or throw the bubble, or is it just a pre-snap read based on the defenders alignment? I've seen it done both ways before.

Thanks for the insight.
Learned more about football reading this post than 20+ years of watching it and endless years of NCAA/MADDEN/QB CLUB/ TECMO BOWL.

Also I believe the term scat originated in the German film industry.
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Great posts. I love reading about the strategy of the game and these post are very well written.

I do have 2 questions.

I know I've seen Jones run a counter play, but does he ever run power or buck sweep? I know Chip Kelly and Oregon are primarily a zone running team but they use power/counter/buck as a change up on occasion.

Also, on the bubble screen do they treat it as a triple option and have the QB read the nickel during the play to determine whether to run or throw the bubble, or is it just a pre-snap read based on the defenders alignment? I've seen it done both ways before.

Thanks for the insight.

I'm goin to watch his old teams highlights in a bit. I think I saw power, but I'll let you know and add diagrams tonight.

What you call buck sweep, he probably calls pin n pull zone. Florida ran it a lot under Urban. Let me see some more film and I'll answer these best I can.

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