Could someone give the EXACT quote as to the question(s) Evina was asked? I can’t clearly understand the questioner. How the question is worded has a serious impact on how Evina’s response is interpreted... “changes needed” or “changes in staff needed” or something else? That makes a big difference on how to read her response.
Two points, jmo..
1) possibly an inappropriate question asked at an inappropriate time
2) emotional 19 year olds may not always express themselves as cogently as a head coach, admin, AD, etc.
I’ll wait until have more accurate data to make a decision, but will say Evina would have been wiser to have stuck with “I don’t know.” Less open to interpretation...and even then if some reporter/commentator thought they could make a story out of it, they would have.
The initial question was a routine after a season-ending loss question: "Where do you go from here?" Evina said that was a good question, then segued into "Steps need to be taken with our staff and overall off-court with this team." That triggered the follow-up questions about what steps, what off-court issues and whether she thought Holly Warlick would be the coach next year.
The players are prepared for post-game questions, and most players respond with ways they can improve and grow during the off-season-- working on ball handling, TOs, FTs, fouls, discipline, effort, teamwork, etc., which is probably what the reporter expected. It wasn't a leading first question, though the reporter did run with it, knowing the response would create controversy.