Ewwwwww, Penn State at it Again

Some people are just different from you and I. There are people who identify as another species even though they were born human. Birth species does not dictate sexuality. And some people are simply hard wired to be amorous outdoors in nature. Nothing wrong with that. Animals do it outside and our ancestors did too for millennia. None of these behaviors mean they are gross or mentally ill. With our enlightened view of human sexuality and gender, I am surprised you're grossed out.
Some people are just different from you and I. There are people who identify as another species even though they were born human. Birth species does not dictate sexuality. And some people are simply hard wired to be amorous outdoors in nature. Nothing wrong with that. Animals do it outside and our ancestors did too for millennia. None of these behaviors mean they are gross or mentally ill. With our enlightened view of human sexuality and gender, I am surprised you're grossed out.

It's a consent thing
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There are just some topics or events that should never be posted in any Forum on any msg board.
I didn't even have to read the article but only judged it from the comments of those that did.
No need to paint the picture enough said.
Even Madam X's adventure with a German Shepard gave me the woolies
Ban this crap.
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Some people are just different from you and I. There are people who identify as another species even though they were born human. Birth species does not dictate sexuality. And some people are simply hard wired to be amorous outdoors in nature. Nothing wrong with that. Animals do it outside and our ancestors did too for millennia. None of these behaviors mean they are gross or mentally ill. With our enlightened view of human sexuality and gender, I am surprised you're grossed out.

Beautifully done. I wonder how many will read it literally without understanding your point?
There are just some topics or events that should never be posted in any Forum on any msg board.
I didn't even have to read the article but only judged it from the comments of those that did.
No need to paint the picture enough said.
Ban this crap.
Im sorry. You cannot put the toothpaste back in the tube. Human sexuality has evolved and this fellow has just as much right to express himself in his pursuit of happiness as anyone else.
There are just some topics or events that should never be posted in any Forum on any msg board.
I didn't even have to read the article but only judged it from the comments of those that did.
No need to paint the picture enough said.
Even Madam X's adventure with a German Shepard gave me the woolies
Ban this crap.

"This is too icky for me to read so delete it"
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Im sorry. You cannot put the toothpaste back in the tube. Human sexuality has evolved and this fellow has just as much right to express himself in his pursuit of happiness as anyone else.
I will go without Toothpaste and use baking soda if I have to.
The key word you used is Human.
If the guy wants to pull tricks with his dog in public; then, one would think he may have crossed a line at the front door.
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I will go without Toothpaste and use baking soda if I have to. The key word you used is Human. If the guy wants to pull tricks with his dog in public; then, one would think we may have crossed a line at the front door.
As far as I am aware, there is only two irrefutable lines. One is consent. The other is a violation of rights.

Are we to assign ability to consent to non humans?

Do animals enjoy the same rights as humans?
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