I am still not playing the victim. I am recognizing threats. Public schools cannot legally favor one religion over another even if one is "right" and the other is "wrong". It is either implicitly or explicitly taught that a "neutral/secular" position on religion is superior to holding a strong faith. That is NOT tolerance... it is a VERY intolerant position.
**Most teachers at my school are Christians. Even though we are not allowed to discuss specific religions, we demonstrate 'Christian values' through our actions. Your perception on what public schools are like and the reality of what they are like are far apart. Schools are not out to destroy anyone's faith. I know. I'm there every day. This myth that schools are comprised of anti-religion athiests is totally false.**
Evolution and other aspects of materialism/humanism/modernism and lately post-modernism are used as frameworks for curricula or are taught as facts.
**God gave man intelligence and the ability to reason. Schools seek to help develop these God-given gifts. I view science as a tool that God gave man to better understand and appreciate the awesomeness of His creation.**
These things DO undermine religion generally and Christianity specifically. NT Christianity is not a fence sitting proposition. We are not empowered to make compromises and play nice. The original Christians were very uncompromising on what they believed... and many died for it. And yet you want to describe me as a victim for speaking out against threats?
**Again, you see perceived threats that aren't there in K-12 education. I do not compromise my base beliefs. But, the Bible is not specific on how the universe was created. I don't get hung up on the way God created the universe. I simply believe that He said for it to happen and it did. Whatever method He chose to bring this about is irrelevant, imo. I just believe however it happened it was initiated by God.**
I am aware of the discrimination and persecution endured elsewhere. I am also aware of insidious attacks that make Christianity weak enough to collapse under its own load of apathy and lack of living faith.
**I tend to believe that the only influence others have on us is what allow them to have. If you are questioning my faith or others simply because I may see the Bible's lessons in a little bit different light (the main message being the same), I have an issue with that.**
Do you believe that homosexuality is immoral? Assuming tht you as a Christian will acknowledge that biblically it is... do you think it is right for gov't to force the unwilling to accept homosexual marriages?
**I truly believe that at least some homosexuals are born that way. This is based off of people that I have known my and their entire life that are homosexual and their actions at an age long before any knowledge of sexuality. I myself have never woken up one morning and thought that I would like to have sex with another man. I do feel that if Christians want to influence homosexuals, they need to approach them with Christian love rather than disgust. You catch more flies so to speak with honey rather than vinegar. Christ approached some of the most sinful people with love and compassion, not hate and rancor.**
I have no problems with companies that make the choice to support them. I have a big problem with the idea that companies can or should be forced to.
**You see homosexuality as a choice, correct? I don't. Are you equally upset about companies being forced to treat different races and religions indiscriminantly? No I'm in no way saying you are racist in any form.**
Nor do I in public schools... and that's the rub. No prayer is just as much a "law respecting an establishment of religion" as forced prayer is. There is no resolution that respects the rights of all except to dissolve the condition that creates the conflict... privatize all schools or return them to strict local control while reversing decisions that imposed the US Constitution on states.
**Disagree strongly on the privatization. I feel that some things are more important than making a profit. Education is one. Privatization is not some magic elixir that cures all ills.**
They aren't? Agnosticism is a religious pov. Atheism is a religious pov. Humanism and materialism are philosophical pov's that unavoidably overlap with religion. Evolution in particular teaches specific things about the origins of creation, the forces behind it, and the nature of reality itself.
**See earlier response on humanism, science, etc.**
Why? Why should you not have the choice to put your kid in a school that supports your effort rather than opposing it or at best teaching your kids to compartmentalize their faith? Nowhere in the NT will you find an allowance for a compartmentalized faith.
**I and you do have choices. There are Christian schools and home schooling available. Once again, your perception of what goes on in schools is vastly different from reality. Public schools are not out to crush anyone's faith or force them to compartmentalize their faith. I am there everyday. I would gladly invite you to my classroom at any unannounced time to observe for yourself.**
Right. So much like the homosexual marriage issue... you either decide whose ox will be gored (rights trampled/denied) or you get gov't out of the business of favoring one side over the other.
*Agree that government should not be in the morals/marriage business.**
We agree on a great deal.
** I suspect that we have a good deal in common. However, I do think, especially in relation to your perceived educational war on religion, that you need to rely less on what others say about something and go examine/experience the issues yourself. I am a teacher AND a dedicated Christian. I like to think that being good at one makes me better at the other.**