Executive Orders

You‘re a congressional representative.

You will get primaried out of office if you compromise with the other tribe.

If you don’t work with the other tribe, the president can make law on his own. If your tribe doesn’t like this law, then the next president can undo it.

What do you do?
But the other side can’t undo it. Or at least that’s how the scotus appears to have ruled.
But the other side can’t undo it. Or at least that’s how the scotus appears to have ruled.
They cant undo it if they dont follow the procedure to undo it. Trump thought he had a magic wand that would cut the red tape.he doesnt.

There should at least be a time limit on EOs. They are supposed to be for emergencies only when congress cant act in time. If they were much more temporary in that regard it wouldnt hurt as much and would be a check on the power of the president. Maybe they only last for 6 months and then automatically stop. Gives congress a deadline, keeps the presidents power in check a bit. Heck make it shorter to the length of the longest congressional break.
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They cant undo it if they dont follow the procedure to undo it. Trump thought he had a magic wand that would cut the red tape.he doesnt.

There should at least be a time limit on EOs. They are supposed to be for emergencies only when congress cant act in time. If they were much more temporary in that regard it wouldnt hurt as much and would be a check on the power of the president. Maybe they only last for 6 months and then automatically stop. Gives congress a deadline, keeps the presidents power in check a bit. Heck make it shorter to the length of the longest congressional break.
I’m all for regulating the presidents power.
I’d be good with this solution
They cant undo it if they dont follow the procedure to undo it. Trump thought he had a magic wand that would cut the red tape.he doesnt.

There should at least be a time limit on EOs. They are supposed to be for emergencies only when congress cant act in time. If they were much more temporary in that regard it wouldnt hurt as much and would be a check on the power of the president. Maybe they only last for 6 months and then automatically stop. Gives congress a deadline, keeps the presidents power in check a bit. Heck make it shorter to the length of the longest congressional break.

We have EOs because congress used to only be in session for 3-4 months out of the year, they gave the POTUS the ability to act on executive matters when congress wasn't available. Now that congress is no longer part time EOs need to be retired. Or better yet, make congress part time again.
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But the other side can’t undo it. Or at least that’s how the scotus appears to have ruled.
They actually ruled that the Trump Admin has failed to correctly follow the Administrative Procedures Act when they undid DACA. Lower courts had told them the same thing and had offered them a road map for how to undo it, correctly. They chose not to follow that guidance, for some reason. Basically, the Trump Administration was too incompetent to undo DACA, but if they made a competent attempt, it would be undone.

As far as I know, they just have to issue a memo that complies with the APA. Shouldn’t take more than a few hours for some government lawyer to draft. I have no idea why they haven’t done so, already.

I don’t think it should have mattered. The Court should have said the procedure for passing DACA was unconstitutional so the procedure for purging it was immaterial. The better policy would be to make these XOs as unappealing and impermanent as possible so that supporters of the party that abdicated their responsibility to get the order will realize that they can’t actually have what they want without recognizing that the other side isn’t evil and working together with them.
Yeah, EO's are unconstitutional in how they are currently handed down.

I'm really not interested in Democrats standing over the Constitution they shanked 500 times talking about how awful it is that Trump is for ignoring it, though.

Slimy Scotus just made the problem of EO's even worse with their decision on DACA a few weeks ago.

Until they somehow manage to come up with two seperate constitutions for each party, they are gonna have to live with both sides abusing bad rules.

This works the other way, too, though. Reagan has the most XO's of my lifetime, so we got liberals making this same lame-ass excuse justifying Obama's XO's.
Term Limits with limited ability to work as lobbyist after
Limit bills to a single subject matter.
Eliminate pensions for president and congress
Eliminate Super Pacs

Term limits limit the citizens right to select their representation.
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We have EOs because congress used to only be in session for 3-4 months out of the year, they gave the POTUS the ability to act on executive matters when congress wasn't available. Now that congress is no longer part time EOs need to be retired. Or better yet, make congress part time again.
I would not consider them fulltime.

At least not on the legislative side of things. They are full time campaign scammers. Nothing more.
Term limits limit the citizens right to select their representation.
Make it a campaign limit. You can only campaign X number of times. After that people can still vote for you, but you cant campaign, accept donations, stump, hold rallies, etc.

That way it's just a limit on the representative, and not the people.
Make it a campaign limit. You can only campaign X number of times. After that people can still vote for you, but you cant campaign, accept donations, stump, hold rallies, etc.

That way it's just a limit on the representative, and not the people.

So limit free speech? Campaign donations are an exercise in speech.
They actually ruled that the Trump Admin has failed to correctly follow the Administrative Procedures Act when they undid DACA. Lower courts had told them the same thing and had offered them a road map for how to undo it, correctly. They chose not to follow that guidance, for some reason. Basically, the Trump Administration was too incompetent to undo DACA, but if they made a competent attempt, it would be undone.

As far as I know, they just have to issue a memo that complies with the APA. Shouldn’t take more than a few hours for some government lawyer to draft. I have no idea why they haven’t done so, already.

I don’t think it should have mattered. The Court should have said the procedure for passing DACA was unconstitutional so the procedure for purging it was immaterial. The better policy would be to make these XOs as unappealing and impermanent as possible so that supporters of the party that abdicated their responsibility to get the order will realize that they can’t actually have what they want without recognizing that the other side isn’t evil and working together with them.
Agree completely
The american electorate is largely ignorant and lazy. Imposing term limits would do nothing to address that problem.
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Agree completely
And fwiw, I’m not unsympathetic to DACA recipients. I think DACA would have been fine as legislation. I’m not callous to the hardship that rescinding it would place on its recipients.

I just think that governing by “pen and phone“ has broken our representative system and the bandaid needs to come off.

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