


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2009
I know all the experts and even most of the fans are expecting nothing better than a 6-6 season, 7-5 if we get lucky. When is the last time UT has had a good season when the experts predicted them to flop? I don’t remember it if they have. When is the last time UT had a horrible season when the experts and fans predicted a good one? Plenty, especially in recent memory (2005, 2008, and 2012, etc.).

So, I don’t have any reason, at least on ‘paper,’ to believe this UT team is going to exceed expectations (defined, IMHO, by at least 8-4 plus a bowl win). In fact, I keep telling myself what the experts, talk show hosts, and my fellow fans are telling me, that I’d best be thrilled by 6-6 and a bowl game. Why is this?

It hit me today that I keep telling myself this because I’m so tired of having high or even hopeful expectations only to see them dashed on the rocks of heartbreaking defeats, over and over (and over) again. I’d rather my expectations fly under the radar, stay low enough to keep me at least moderately content, at least for now. I think a lot of fans feel the same way. Why else are most TN homers like me also predicting a mediocre season along with the experts and talk show hosts? Usually fans of their teams, especially the storied ones, expect their team to have at least a decent season, experts be damned, right? Not UT fans, not this year. Over the last several nightmarish years we’ve all been collectively beaten down, and so most of us barely have the courage to hope, even with a great coach like Butch Jones.

Enter, of course, Butch Jones, the guy who exceeds expectations with everything he does. Just two weeks ago most people were saying we might pull a couple more 4-stars and finish 8-12 in the ranks, that we should be happy with that. After last weekend, a weekend that NOBODY outside the program expected by the way, he hauls in enough 4 stars to rank us top 5 even if we don’t sign anybody else, with a significant shot at a top 1-3 class.

Yes, recruiting for next year won’t translate to the field this year. I know we don’t have an established quarterback. I know on ‘paper’ we should barely be on the field with the likes of Alabama and Oregon. But despite the fact that my mind says just grin and bear it this year, there is that small, lingering, increasingly optimistic feeling in the pit of my stomach. Despite how much I try to beat it back, it persists. Butch Jones, the guy who makes a habit out of exceeding expectations, just might exceed them this year, more than we ever imagined.

Who’s with me? Are any of you willing to ‘own’ a prediction of 8-4 or better this year?
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I know all the experts and even most of the fans are expecting nothing better than a 6-6 season, 7-5 if we get lucky. When is the last time UT has had a good season when the experts predicted them to flop? I don’t remember it if they have. When is the last time UT had a horrible season when the experts and fans predicted a good one? Plenty, especially in recent memory (2005, 2008, and 2012, etc.).

So, I don’t have any reason, at least on ‘paper,’ to believe this UT team is going to exceed expectations (defined, IMHO, by at least 8-4 plus a bowl win). In fact, I keep telling myself what the experts, talk show hosts, and my fellow fans are telling me, that I’d best be thrilled by 6-6 and a bowl game. Why is this?

It hit me today that I keep telling myself this because I’m so tired of having high or even hopeful expectations only to see them dashed on the rocks of heartbreaking defeats, over and over (and over) again. I’d rather my expectations fly under the radar, stay low enough to keep me at least moderately content, at least for now. I think a lot of fans feel the same way. Why else are most TN homers like me also predicting a mediocre season along with the experts and talk show hosts? Usually fans of their teams, especially the storied ones, expect their team to have at least a decent season, experts be damned, right? Not UT fans, not this year. Over the last several nightmarish years we’ve all been collectively beaten down, and so most of us barely have the courage to hope, even with a great coach like Butch Jones.

Enter, of course, Butch Jones, the guy who exceeds expectations with everything he does. Just two weeks ago most people were saying we might pull a couple more 4-stars and finish 8-12 in the ranks, that we should be happy with that. After last weekend, a weekend that NOBODY outside the program expected by the way, he hauls in enough 4 stars to rank us top 5 even if we don’t sign anybody else, with a significant shot at a top 1-3 class.

Yes, recruiting for next year won’t translate to the field this year. I know we don’t have an established quarterback. I know on ‘paper’ we should barely be on the field with the likes of Alabama and Oregon. But despite the fact that my mind says just grin and bear it this year, there is that small, lingering, increasingly optimistic feeling in the pit of my stomach. Despite how much I try to beat it back, it persists. Butch Jones, the guy who makes a habit out of exceeding expectations, just might exceed them this year, more than we ever imagined.

Who’s with me? Are any of you willing to ‘own’ a prediction of 8-4 or better this year?

I expect 7 regular season wins this season and expect 7-8 in 2014. I feel this should be the limit to expectations. There is a lot of building to do.
I really can't predict it at all.

I could see 5-7

I could see 8-4.

It's impossible to predict when we don't know who our QB is, and have never seen our coach do his thing here.
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I know all the experts and even most of the fans are expecting nothing better than a 6-6 season, 7-5 if we get lucky. When is the last time UT has had a good season when the experts predicted them to flop? I don’t remember it if they have. When is the last time UT had a horrible season when the experts and fans predicted a good one? Plenty, especially in recent memory (2005, 2008, and 2012, etc.).

So, I don’t have any reason, at least on ‘paper,’ to believe this UT team is going to exceed expectations (defined, IMHO, by at least 8-4 plus a bowl win). In fact, I keep telling myself what the experts, talk show hosts, and my fellow fans are telling me, that I’d best be thrilled by 6-6 and a bowl game. Why is this?

It hit me today that I keep telling myself this because I’m so tired of having high or even hopeful expectations only to see them dashed on the rocks of heartbreaking defeats, over and over (and over) again. I’d rather my expectations fly under the radar, stay low enough to keep me at least moderately content, at least for now. I think a lot of fans feel the same way. Why else are most TN homers like me also predicting a mediocre season along with the experts and talk show hosts? Usually fans of their teams, especially the storied ones, expect their team to have at least a decent season, experts be damned, right? Not UT fans, not this year. Over the last several nightmarish years we’ve all been collectively beaten down, and so most of us barely have the courage to hope, even with a great coach like Butch Jones.

Enter, of course, Butch Jones, the guy who exceeds expectations with everything he does. Just two weeks ago most people were saying we might pull a couple more 4-stars and finish 8-12 in the ranks, that we should be happy with that. After last weekend, a weekend that NOBODY outside the program expected by the way, he hauls in enough 4 stars to rank us top 5 even if we don’t sign anybody else, with a significant shot at a top 1-3 class.

Yes, recruiting for next year won’t translate to the field this year. I know we don’t have an established quarterback. I know on ‘paper’ we should barely be on the field with the likes of Alabama and Oregon. But despite the fact that my mind says just grin and bear it this year, there is that small, lingering, increasingly optimistic feeling in the pit of my stomach. Despite how much I try to beat it back, it persists. Butch Jones, the guy who makes a habit out of exceeding expectations, just might exceed them this year, more than we ever imagined.

Who’s with me? Are any of you willing to ‘own’ a prediction of 8-4 or better this year?
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I really can't predict it at all.

I could see 5-7

I could see 8-4.

It's impossible to predict when we don't know who our QB is, and have never seen our coach do his thing here.

agreed - if we find a QB then 8-4 is definitely possible

if we don't then 5-7 is possible

certainly wouldnt expect 5-7 but it is possible

I don't think 7 or 8 wins though is a crazy expectation - will it happen, maybe or maybe not - but we will have better talent than 6 teams on paper - equivalent with 3 more
We don't know anything really. The only certainties with this entire program right now are that Tiny can block, AJ can tackle, and Butch can recruit. That's about it.
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I really can't predict it at all.

I could see 5-7

I could see 8-4.

It's impossible to predict when we don't know who our QB is, and have never seen our coach do his thing here.

We beat Western Kentucky, Austin Peay, & South Alabam. However; we will win 3 of the last games, Kentucky, Missery, Au Barn, & Vandy. This will put us at 6 - 6 for the season.

We will go to a bowl game within the local area. Liberty Bowl, in Memphis or Music City Bowl in Nashville. This will be a sell out crowd and also the team will get some added practices during bowl preparations. Might even have some of the E.E.'s get a little practice in.
But despite the fact that my mind says just grin and bear it this year, there is that small, lingering, increasingly optimistic feeling in the pit of my stomach.

this is very normal process for a fan. No matter how much they analyze and recognize a teams warts, they still are a fan and have a difficult time not being optimistic. That is the fan in all of us.

The problem is, and trust me I was this way from 1965 until 1990, too many fans get so optimistic that they hurt and get depressed when their team loses. In 1990, I woke up to the fact that I could be a fan and go into every game looking for ways that Tennessee could win the game with investing so much emotionally. It took a far better Tennessee team losing to a far less talented Alabama team (9-6) to wake me up.

So I just don't invest emotionally into seasons and games so that view losses or losing seasons to the point of frustrations or depression. I'm now much more able to enjoy wins that occur. I much more able to handle losses that occur.

I just view things realistically as to how they might occur. If it turns out better, that is great and I enjoy it. When things went bad in 2005 and 2008, I was much more able to handle them. Realistically, I never felt either of those seasons would happen like they did. But they sure didn't plunge me into total chaos either.

just some random thoughts..
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i will own the prediction we will be 8-4. we have talent and baby boy dooley and his posse did not know how to use them. 3-4 defense that was dumb. we will kick the crap out of the ones we suppose to like we use to do and we will win 1 or 2 of the big 4 oregon ala. flo. ga.
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I left the Georgia Dome on August 31st, 2012 thinking we had a Top 15-20 team last year...

So much for that...

We haven't even played a game and you want predictions?
I feel the same way. However I feel that there is a difference in expectation and hope. We shouldn't put down those of our own fan base because they believe the vols will do better than we do. It is something that I have seen on here that is almost kosher as everyone likes to join in on bashing a "sunshine pumper". The best way i could describe this season is opportunity. We have what most would call the most important pieces in the SEC in our senior anchored O and D Line. Game time experience is not something that can be taught and these guys have played in some hostile atmospheres. Then our RBs, while not the most prototypical, have also been in big game situations, except under inept coaching and motivation. And it's not like they're bums either. Rajion has been deemed the fastest guy on the team many times in his career, and lane has shown flashes but has had the injury bug since before his season year of HS. And while some places are lacking depth (CB for the most part), and question marks at QB and WR the talent around cannot be ignored. LB, WR, Ss, and DL have so much young talent that its hard to think that these players with the veterans we have cannot produce quality play. This coaching staff has exceeded all of my expectations and I really loved the way they played and trained at Cincy. I see next year as an opportunity to surprise a lot of teams, fans, and analysts
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i will own the prediction we will be 8-4. we have talent and baby boy dooley and his posse did not know how to use them. 3-4 defense that was dumb. we will kick the crap out of the ones we suppose to like we use to do and we will win 1 or 2 of the big 4 oregon ala. flo. ga.

Tell that to Bama. :hi:
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They say that games are won in the trenches. Not to say we have stronger trenches than everybody else (we might on offense), but we have strong enough trenches to keep us in all of our games in my opinion. If we take care of the football and tackle well we'll be fine.

Why are people so scared to be wrong in their predictions? It's just sports after all.

8-4 with losses to Bama, Fla, UGA and Auburn.

I'm with you OP, i'm just kinda feeling it these days. And if we fail... I'll be feeling it next year too. And then in 2015.... I'll REALLY be feeling it. But I'm not sitting around waiting to suck for two more years until then.

Long live the Vols.
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I'm gonna get blasted for this but here it goes...

When I look at the schedule I see three games as almost guarantee loses. UO,UF, and Bama but anything can happen that's why they play. But I look at those games as pretty much loses. Why? Because were not there yet as in UO & UF are early in the season and just don't think will have it all figured out, such as qb play, scheme, chemistry, etc. Bama I know is later in the season but Bama is loaded like we all know.

Now...when I look at those other games I honestly believe we can beat UGA cause its still Richt on the sidelines & were at home. Also, I think USC is beatable too (that game is also at home) still like are chances. Auburn I believe also we have a shot at winning to which is also at home. Same goes for Vandy. And then Missouri and Kentucky on the road which are also winnable games.

Now will we win those games I mentioned? I don't know but I got I got confidence in this staff to pull something off. Hell Kiffin beat UGA & USC at home. So why couldn't Butch and staff do the same? We do have a great oline & tons of players that have experience except the qb & wide receiver group but by the UGA game they could be gelling.

Now don't get it twisted that I think this team will go 9-3 nor is that my expectations but I do believe a great coaching staff, a solid Oline, and a improved defense will go a long ways as the season progresses. Any who...all I wanna see is a team progress every week and a coaching staff make halftime adjustments unlike the previous staff. That is really what ill be looking for this season.

Sorry for the long post! Go Vols!
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I get absolutely sick of this 6-6 talk. Disgusts me. We will be good THIS year. Enough of this damn loser mentality. Losers have low expectations. Quit makin all these whiny excuses. We have a system in place to succeed, don't be scared to buy in to it.
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I get absolutely sick of this 6-6 talk. Disgusts me. We will be good THIS year. Enough of this damn loser mentality. Losers have low expectations. Quit makin all these whiny excuses. We have a system in place to succeed, don't be scared to buy in to it.

Damn right
They say that games are won in the trenches. Not to say we have stronger trenches than everybody else (we might on offense), but we have strong enough trenches to keep us in all of our games in my opinion. If we take care of the football and tackle well we'll be fine.

Why are people so scared to be wrong in their predictions? It's just sports after all.

8-4 with losses to Bama, Fla, UGA and Auburn.

I'm with you OP, i'm just kinda feeling it these days. And if we fail... I'll be feeling it next year too. And then in 2015.... I'll REALLY be feeling it. But I'm not sitting around waiting to suck for two more years until then.

Long live the Vols.

Well said!
It's a good thing college football is played on the field and not on paper. Let the season play out and have fun. Take it one weekend at a time. We're 37 days away from watching our beloved team, but it won't be long until we're 200+ days away, yet again (insert joke about missing a bowl here).

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