
Dooley was an administrator and not a coach. Did not even recruit and could not sell the program. Did not have the keenness of eyes for x and Os. Used the philosophy that if we build it they will come. They didn't nor did he have the capability of getting a 3* to higher level of play.

Yea, I get that he wasn't the best motivator in the world. Few are. I just have to laugh when people call him an idiot. Probably people who work for Jiffy Lube or Walmart. Here's his resume: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Derek_Dooley_(American_football)

Anyone who's done better can feel free to call him an idiot.

And let me ask you, if you were a HS player, would you have signed with UT after Fulmer and Kiffin?
Dooley was an administrator and not a coach. Did not even recruit and could not sell the program. Did not have the keenness of eyes for x and Os. Used the philosophy that if we build it they will come. They didn't nor did he have the capability of getting a 3* to higher level of play.

Try to keep up, Jr.
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Dooley's far, far from an idiot. And anyone who calls him an idiot hasn't done his/her homework. The guy inherited a cluster f%#k. I don't think many coaches could have done better with what he had to work with. I'm not saying he was a Saban, but he's not an idiot. Losing Patterson (I'm so thankful that cancer flipped) was a blow to the offense, both physically and mentally. I think Bray could have been a superstar if he'd been under any other circumstance. I think CBJ builds a solid program, if he's give time. I don't see 8-9 wins this season. And for anyone to predict such when a starting QB hasn't even been determined is a bit silly, IMHO. I also don't think your gonna like Jancek and Martinez any more than Sal.
The term idiot may be a little harsh. I would say Coach Dumb. He lacked the instincts that coaches have to make adjustments in games. He second guessed himself in games and consistently made boneheaded decisions. Why? Because he jumped from a position coach to a head coach and his arrogance did not allow him to work well with others. Look some of the most arrogant coaches are winners BUT they came up through the ranks. He didn't which cost him when it came to decision making. The mark of a good coach is your assistants are just as smart as you. They know what you want and they execute it. The only true competent coach he had was Wilcox and guess what? He couldn't get along with him. Dooley was a decent recruiter anybody who says he isn't is just hating. The problem is he didn't recruit at a high enough level for a program like UT. He didn't promote UT the way CBJ promotes the state school. He didn't put in that extra that you need to be a success. A prime example is bringing in Sal. Sal was a position coach and then hired to revamp a defense that wasn't slaw the year before. Who does that? Someone that's Coach Dumb. Dooley was not and never will be head coach material.
Yea, I get that he wasn't the best motivator in the world. Few are. I just have to laugh when people call him an idiot. Probably people who work for Jiffy Lube or Walmart. Here's his resume: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Derek_Dooley_(American_football)

Anyone who's done better can feel free to call him an idiot.

And let me ask you, if you were a HS player, would you have signed with UT after Fulmer and Kiffin?

Depends on too many factors. Position of need or Dooley year 0, year 1, or year 2. He threw a lot of players under the bus. The year of the coaching changeover was also a signal to many recruits. There was never a foundation built. Sometimes organizations have to be taken to ground zero to be rebuilt from ground zero.

So between Fulmer (last years), Kiffin's year and Dooley's three along with a Ncaa Investigation. I would say we hit rock bottom. Dooley had it bad but he never made it better it just kept getting worse. Not recruiting or making the effort to recruit kids like Von Bell was stupid. The my way or the highway mentality did not work either.

Either break it and fix it or mend it. But whatever you do as a leader Coach, don't just sit there and do nothing. Be the solution to the problem, not the Problem.

Kiffin was in over his head in the SEC. We talk about SEC caliber players we also need to talk about SEC Caliber Coaches....Kiffin was not willing to put in the time and effort that is required of a SEC Coach. Smoke and Mirrors.

I would Be willing to bet that these players have learned more about who they are and what Tennessee football is and is going to be from Coach Jones than they learned from Kiffin and Dooley in the previous 4 years combined.
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Oregon will destroy whatever optimism the preseason has yielded. Should have taken all that North Carolina money and petition for peace.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Dooley's far, far from an idiot. And anyone who calls him an idiot hasn't done his/her homework. The guy inherited a cluster f%#k. I don't think many coaches could have done better with what he had to work with. I'm not saying he was a Saban, but he's not an idiot. Losing Patterson (I'm so thankful that cancer flipped) was a blow to the offense, both physically and mentally. I think Bray could have been a superstar if he'd been under any other circumstance. I think CBJ builds a solid program, if he's give time. I don't see 8-9 wins this season. And for anyone to predict such when a starting QB hasn't even been determined is a bit silly, IMHO. I also don't think your gonna like Jancek and Martinez any more than Sal.

Please elaborate...

Yea, I get that he wasn't the best motivator in the world. Few are. I just have to laugh when people call him an idiot. Probably people who work for Jiffy Lube or Walmart. Here's his resume: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Derek_Dooley_(American_football)

Anyone who's done better can feel free to call him an idiot.

And let me ask you, if you were a HS player, would you have signed with UT after Fulmer and Kiffin?

For the record, I didn't call him an idiot. Rather I simply put that if he thought he had plenty of time to take a huge gamble and go to a 3-4 after 2 losing season he was sorely mistaken and fueled the fire of fans who already doubted his abilities.

Regardless of his resume, all the book smarts in the world dosen't meant that he was ready to be the head coach at The University of Tennessee.

Although I wouldn't call him an idiot, I wouldn't argue too hard if someone did. And I can promise you that I don't work in a Jiffy Lube or a WalMart. But do me a favor and the next time I pull up to Jiffy Lube, make sure you do a better job cleaning the windows! Last time was a little sloppy. Keep trying though, maybe they will let you change the oil on some cars soon.
Most football coaches will tell you most close games are lost not won. Cases in point LSU 13 player game, NC bowl game, KY and Georgia loses. There have been potentially others over last 3 years. I certainly could be wrong but I think a Butch Jones coached team closes those type games out with a W. Will Bama clicking on all cylinders spank this team. Yeah no doubt us Vol fans will still have some tough Saturdays this fall. But if Bama has one play left for s win and fumbles the snap I don't look for Butch's team to give 'em a free down for the win. Can't start winning until you stop losing.
1998 13-0 !!!!!

If you look back everyone wrote them off in 97' after the FL loss. Manning was leaving and we didn't have a QB that could lead us to a NC hahaha. This team is reminding me of that 98' team more and more everyday.

good god, if this happened Knoxville will burn itself to the ground!!! GBO!!!:rock:
Oregon will destroy whatever optimism the preseason has yielded. Should have taken all that North Carolina money and petition for peace.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

where did this come from....LOL...enjoy it while you can....It will end....Soon....
Oregon will destroy whatever optimism the preseason has yielded. Should have taken all that North Carolina money and petition for peace.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

I think we are what 29 point underdog in that game? I'm not saying that we will win.....but it will be closer than the experts think. And much closer than Oregon wants it to be.
Please elaborate...

For the record, I didn't call him an idiot. Rather I simply put that if he thought he had plenty of time to take a huge gamble and go to a 3-4 after 2 losing season he was sorely mistaken and fueled the fire of fans who already doubted his abilities.

Regardless of his resume, all the book smarts in the world dosen't meant that he was ready to be the head coach at The University of Tennessee.

Although I wouldn't call him an idiot, I wouldn't argue too hard if someone did. And I can promise you that I don't work in a Jiffy Lube or a WalMart. But do me a favor and the next time I pull up to Jiffy Lube, make sure you do a better job cleaning the windows! Last time was a little sloppy. Keep trying though, maybe they will let you change the oil on some cars soon.

I don't see how even someone on the outside can be an apologist for Dooley. Our record in the sec stands on its own. His record over three years stands on its own. Compare that to any other coach in the sec in their first three years. It stands alone. Dooley was a position coach always. He was never a coordinator of any sort that I remember. How he goes from that to head coach and say he was qualified is beyond me. He cowered when games were in he heat of the moment. Its was amazing to watch to be honest because it was so horrible. There's a reason why no one could work with him. He may however be a good coach in the NFL. His personality fits that league.
I think we are what 29 point underdog in that game? I'm not saying that we will win.....but it will be closer than the experts think. And much closer than Oregon wants it to be.

That's the spirit. If Tennessee had rescheduled the ducks, 3 or 4 years from now, I'm with you. But it's that 4th quarter that makes me believe it's gonna get ugly.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
We beat Western Kentucky, Austin Peay, & South Alabam. However; we will win 3 of the last games, Kentucky, Missery, Au Barn, & Vandy. This will put us at 6 - 6 for the season.

We will go to a bowl game within the local area. Liberty Bowl, in Memphis or Music City Bowl in Nashville. This will be a sell out crowd and also the team will get some added practices during bowl preparations. Might even have some of the E.E.'s get a little practice in.

We could beat the 3 easies, sweep the last 4 & upset one of the "big boys" & go 8-4. That'll be hard to do, but I'm not doubting Butch on too many things right now!!
thread getting side tracked..lol

3 n 2 which will make ga very importanr to cbj n the way fans.perceive him. lose that game the pressure for sc game will be huge. if we r 3 n 4 with bama rolling around playersn fans will start letting doubt creep in.

thats when we will see if cbj has the mettle to keep the team together. btw stadium will be empty for aub n vandy..
That's the spirit. If Tennessee had rescheduled the ducks, 3 or 4 years from now, I'm with you. But it's that 4th quarter that makes me believe it's gonna get ugly.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

That's the spirit? I bet you're lovin every minute of UT being down, but that's ok. As soon as Bama takes a nosedive once again, I'm gonna rub it in on Bama boards.
We have enough to talent to compete. I've never understood why people act like the cupboard is pretty much bare. The team needs needs a fire lit under their a**es from a coach who actually cares what's going on and won't throw them under the bus. We've been blaming it on talent for 5 years in a row and its getting old.

I don't think we match up well with any SEC school, other than Kentucky.

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