Family owned Trump org found GUILTY of all counts of tax fraud

This isn't court.

But when he's eventually hauled in there, I'm confident it won't be done without having him dead to rights.

and it sure appears they don't in this case as I've pointed out

this case brings his conviction no closer
Truth Social
Murder and Violent Crime is at an all time high in NYC, and the D.A.’s office has spent almost all of its time & money fighting a political Witch Hunt for D.C. against “Trump” over Fringe Benefits, something that in the history of our Country, has never been so tried in Court before. Two weeks at trial, yet no MURDER CASE has gone to trial in 6 years, much to the consternation of victims mothers and families who are devastated that NOTHING is being done to bring JUSTICE. Too busy on “Donald.”
What he said.
I still fondly recall that period of time when you came hunting for whataboutism each day. You were like the whataboutism police, handing out citations, and patting yourself on the back for standing on principle.

Now the saving grace of this ruling on the Trump organization is singularly about using it to avoid talking about the Biden family’s dirty deeds? Does it feel a little rotten to you, or was that whole thing a few years ago just a schtick for the party?
This is a little more complex than just your standard "what-about-ism."

As many times as both Donald Trump and Donald Trump Jr. have referred to the Biden's as being a "crime family," this situation is steeped pretty high in irony and rich with hypocrisy. Absolutely, it's fair game.
This is a little more complex than just your standard "what-about-ism."

As many times as both Donald Trump and Donald Trump Jr. have referred to the Biden's as being a "crime family," this situation is steeped pretty high in irony and rich with hypocrisy. Absolutely, it's fair game.

so they are both crime families?
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This is a little more complex than just your standard "what-about-ism."

As many times as both Donald Trump and Donald Trump Jr. have referred to the Biden's as being a "crime family," this situation is steeped pretty high in irony and rich with hypocrisy. Absolutely, it's fair game.
I made a similar observation about your whataboutism efforts. I believe you responded similarly.
Does it strike you odd at all that your whataboutism is justified but other's isnt?
I made a similar observation about your whataboutism efforts. I believe you responded similarly.
Does it strike you odd at all that your whataboutism is justified but other's isnt?
The lack of self-awareness by the Trump's strikes me as odd. It more than justifies a mention.
The lack of self-awareness by the Trumps strikes me as odd. It more than justifies a mention.
I acknowledge you arent compelled to directly answer my question. But the answer you provided was useless. It provides no insight about your thought process and does nothing to help me understand how you think.

If I wanted answers which were devoid of clarity, i could've simply talked to McRib, ya know?
The lack of self-awareness by the Trump's strikes me as odd. It more than justifies a mention.

Joe Biden not only insists Hunter did nothing wrong but incredulously still claims he and Hunter never, ever discussed Hunter's business activity - does that lack of self-awareness not strike you as odd?
This is a little more complex than just your standard "what-about-ism."

As many times as both Donald Trump and Donald Trump Jr. have referred to the Biden's as being a "crime family," this situation is steeped pretty high in irony and rich with hypocrisy. Absolutely, it's fair game.

I love whataboutism. It’s important, because principles are important.

Like you, I was just observing how this situation is ALSO steeped in irony. And also asking a question.

Was your whataboutism police phase just a ruse to support your preferred brand of politicians? Or did you have a change of heart.
I acknowledge you arent compelled to directly answer my question. But the answer you provided was useless. It provides no insight about your thought process and does nothing to help me understand how you think.

If I wanted answers which were devoid of clarity, i could've simply talked to McRib, ya know?

This always comes to mind:

I acknowledge you arent compelled to directly answer my question. But the answer you provided was useless. It provides no insight about your thought process and does nothing to help me understand how you think.

If I wanted answers which were devoid of clarity, i could've simply talked to McRib, ya know?
You didn't provide any specific examples of what you're talking about from past "what-about-isms" .... how the hell am I supposed to know what you're talking about?

Use specific examples.
Joe Biden not only insists Hunter did nothing wrong but incredulously still claims he and Hunter never, ever discussed Hunter's business activity - does that lack of self-awareness not strike you as odd?
That doesn't have anything to do with self-awareness. That's just simple dishonesty. Joe Biden lies a lot. He is a career politician after all - and it's been a 50 year career at that. That's a lot of lying.
That doesn't have anything to do with self-awareness. That's just simple dishonesty. Joe Biden lies a lot. He is a career politician after all - and it's been a 50 year career at that. That's a lot of lying.

so Biden is worse since it's intentional and Trump is just lacking self awareness?

it's exhausting following your insights into what's really happening
You didn't provide any specific examples of what you're talking about from past "what-about-isms" .... how the hell am I supposed to know what you're talking about?

Use specific examples.
I asked about your thoughts about the recent post.
I am not interested in your justification of each whataboutism you've offered over the years. I am interested if you find it odd.
To be fair to you, the replies you gave provided indirect, but crystal clear, understanding about your thought process or lack thereof.
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Nobody gives a damn whether their particular tribal chief committed a crime. You could have videos of trump or Biden sexual abusing small children and barn yard animals on Epstein island and only the other side would care.
That's why the sick burn of " You're in a cult " is so laughable. Cults are conditioned to protect their leaders at all costs.
Like the fraud the Clinton climate Initiative? Where’s the solar panels, electric vehicles? Nothing but scammers. C30225D6-0D64-4433-9CF7-975B35AADACD.jpeg
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Trump is right that they have spent too much time on a politically driven witchhunt. However, he tried to support that by lying in multiple parts in his "Truth"....
So YOU and the biased media say. Many of us have differing opinions, but can't help but see how politically motivated this case and the court is and how they ignore more important issues to go on political witch hunts. There is something darkly hilarious about picking at this all while watching the nation's electoral system burn to the ground, and see victims who don't realize they're victims also when we ALL lose honest elections, clap like trained seals as their own future and children's future are being destroyed.... But haha "orange man bad...."

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