Evidently it is true...here's the link to the article in today's News Sentinel:
KnoxNews: Govols
Maybe the complainers overreacted, maybe they didn't, but we've all sat near people like that who have no clue what to say or when to cheer (They typically are also the ones who like to try to start the waveDanny Arnold of LaFollette sits about three rows behind Caldwell. He was surprised by the call from UT to Caldwell but not surprised by the complaints. "I thought she was drunk the first time I saw her (at the season opener against Cal)," said Arnold, who has been attending UT football games for 34 years, since he was 6. "But she wasn't."
is she cheering, or just being an obnoxious ass? there is a difference. i don't sit near her, so i don't know... i'm just asking.
Heck, I even think being an obnoxious ass is okay... In that it's not something for the AD to take care of.
Do you really think so? It's tough to make much of a judgement from the article, but it sounded to me like a group of fans who were at the end of their rope with somebody acting like an idiot.
If you want examples of the "thin-skinned fans," read through the comments in her KNS website poll. There is even one that says we should: "cheer, NOT stand and scream."