You are a shmuck!!!
As a medical professional who has treated people with dehydration, hyperthermia, and heat stroke your " I'm a real fan and you need to just sit and suffer to prove you are a real fan" is not only just stupid but also recklessly dangerous!
A real fan says thank you for spending your hard earned money to support the team and showing up to cheer and represent UT.
Would you rather them just not come to the game?
Grow up!
This basically tells me that you either are truly stupid, arrogant, and must have so little else going on in your life that " counting my manhood in minutes" takes forefront.
I flew from miami florida with a pregnant wife for a relatively unremarkable game just to enjoy the experience and support the vols.
If I leave 15 min early because I have second degree burns and a wife that is passing out...
I think I reserve my right to leave early.
Wanna prove your manhood.... Go play in traffic!
And your a goof that needs to learn to read. Never did I say anything about my manhood because I sit through a game longer than the person beside me. I think I explained my position rather well and even stated that I was including people with legitimate health concerns in my comment. Some of you guys are so simple with how you take one comment and turn it into something completely different.
Let's recap.
Bashed fans for leaving early. A lady in this thread got upset thinking I was inferring people with health issues, elderly, children, etc. I responded by clarifying my stance which was mainly targeted at drunk idiots who want to gripe about the state of the team and leave at halftime because their buzz wore off. During this time a gentleman who claims to be in his 60s(have no reason to doubt him) started juvenile namecalling. I was addressing him personally when a couple of after the fact wannabe internet heroes (yourself included) decide to pick one post out, take it out of the context of the conversation, and beat your chests to feel good about yourselves. Your nonsense along with the guy that made assumptions about who I am and wanted me to blow my legs off in a foreign country are part of what has turned this once semi-lighthearted thread into a dumpster fire.
I'm surprised they let someone who does such a halfassed job in the medical profession. Probably explains why insurance premiums are at an all time high along with malpractice suits. Instead of doing the figurative pile on to cast yourself as a 'good person' in life go donate to a charity, pour ice water over your head, or help build a home. Because all this does is scream insecurity from people that need to vilify others to feel better about themselves.
Funny that you nimrods(referring to those who jumped in on a conversation that had nothing to do with any of you) gloss over the result of a busted condom that thinks military personnel are expendable and its no big loss when something bad happens to that person overseas. That's philosophically way more screwed up than anything I have said in here.
And yet you and others like you post your online resumes and blast me because I happened to have an exchange with a poor old guy that wanted to address me with childlike names. I wasn't even upset with him. But Volallen and people who fail to hold his feet to the fire are the real problem here. Which is why I keep repeating, go re-evaluate your lives, keep your side of the street clean then come holler at me. Until then take your false bravado, pour it a cup of STFU, chug it down and then go do the headbutt a wall until I'm unconscious challenge.
Everyone else including the gentleman who I thought I was having a personal exchange with, before 'Darr's faking it' and others chimed in, I'm sorry for my participation for this going to the level it has. The rest of you, have fun with this one, you obviously need the attention of some make believe feel good moment in your lives.