Fans Leaving Early?

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Anyone that uses the word dork has the mind of a 12 year old. People act like they were walking in the desert in the Middle East. Hydrate before the game, put on some spf, wear hats, and get a couple bottles of water throughout the game. How do people survive on the lake all day? You are getting hit by direct sunlight throughout a much longer period of time. And before people hit me up with their individual medical conditions, most people there don't have medical conditions. So either you are the exception to the rule(glad you came out) or making up physical limitations (stop being a pansy).

What a unmitigated twerp you are.
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Anyone that uses the word dork has the mind of a 12 year old. People act like they were walking in the desert in the Middle East. Hydrate before the game, put on some spf, wear hats, and get a couple bottles of water throughout the game. How do people survive on the lake all day? You are getting hit by direct sunlight throughout a much longer period of time. And before people hit me up with their individual medical conditions, most people there don't have medical conditions. So either you are the exception to the rule(glad you came out) or making up physical limitations (stop being a pansy).

Where did you get your information that most people there don't have medical conditions? You certainly can't tell a book by it's cover- those of us with conditions come to each and every game- we want to be there nor do we take jabs at anyone for leaving early or staying- it's no one's business! All you suggested are good ideas but that does not work for everyone in Neyland.. The sun was hitting all those poor people directly on the East side- you can't change the direction the sun sets in the west facing east- OHHH I know all of those people should come over to the West side? OK now that would work.
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I never leave early, but it's fine to come and go any time you damn well please because, frankly, it's none of my business what you do with your time or how you spend your money.

Also, if you take it upon yourself to determine how big a fan anybody else is, you probably suck.
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What a unmitigated twerp you are.

Easy to call people things on a message board. Take comfort in knowing you will never have to find out how wrong your reality is. Hell, you can't even sit through a football game. I think you need to try and master that 'feat' before calling out people who would make you piss in your pants if you saw them in person.
Where did you get your information that most people there don't have medical conditions? You certainly can't tell a book by it's cover- those of us with conditions come to each and every game- we want to be there nor do we take jabs at anyone for leaving early or staying- it's no one's business! All you suggested are good ideas but that does not work for everyone in Neyland.. The sun was hitting all those poor people directly on the East side- you can't change the direction the sun sets in the west facing east- OHHH I know all of those people should come over to the West side? OK now that would work.

It's just statistics. I highly doubt 3/4 of a stadium has a medical condition. If you have one I understand. Hell, even if someone doesn't, leave if you feel like it. I just don't want to hear abled bodied people who watch half games comment on the state of the Vols or whether we should get rid of a coach or not. A lot of the people that leave early are doing so to go get liquored up at a tailgate. Has nothing to do with medical conditions.
If I was one of the many sitting on the East side yesterday, last thing on my mind wouldn't be getting all liquored up or tailgating- I'd be looking for the closest AC or cool place to sit. I get what you're saying & all.. seems to me the opinions come more from able bodied people that don't even go to any of the games.. but then who am I? LOL :popcorn:
Easy to call people things on a message board. Take comfort in knowing you will never have to find out how wrong your reality is. Hell, you can't even sit through a football game. I think you need to try and master that 'feat' before calling out people who would make you piss in your pants if you saw them in person.

I'm 63, retired, have 3 crushed discs and a wedge fractured lumbar vertebae. I also have a weak prostrate (don't take much to make me piss, eh?) and a diverticulated bowel. As I said, I generally stay through the whole game, and watch the Pride's postgame show. That's if I'm not with wy brother who has one lung and heart surgery. We walk 100 or so yards, sit down where we can, and go again, and mosey.

But you! You're THAT GUY! You're the "REAL MAN".

Phttt ... Someday your emotional and mental maturity may catch up to your testosterone induced 'manhood', but I doubt it.

Until then you are relegated to a childish twerpdom of 'mine's bigger than yours' sophmoric life.

I'll leave a ballgame anytime I damn well please.
So can anyone else!
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Easy to call people things on a message board. Take comfort in knowing you will never have to find out how wrong your reality is. Hell, you can't even sit through a football game. I think you need to try and master that 'feat' before calling out people who would make you piss in your pants if you saw them in person.

I'm 63, retired, have 3 crushed discs and a wedge fractured lumbar vertebae. I also have a weak prostrate (don't take much to make me piss, eh?) and a diverticulated bowel. As I said, I generally stay through the whole game, and watch the Pride's postgame show. That's if I'm not with my brother who has one lung and heart surgery. We walk 100 or so yards, sit down where we can, and go again, and mosey.

But you! You're THAT GUY! You're the "REAL MAN".

Phttt ... Someday your emotional and mental maturity may catch up to your testosterone induced 'manhood', but I doubt it.

Until then you are relegated to a childish twerpdom of 'mine's bigger than yours' sophmoric life.

I'll leave a ballgame anytime I damn well please.
So can anyone else!
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If I was one of the many sitting on the East side yesterday, last thing on my mind wouldn't be getting all liquored up or tailgating- I'd be looking for the closest AC or cool place to sit. I get what you're saying & all.. seems to me the opinions come more from able bodied people that don't even go to any of the games.. but then who am I? LOL :popcorn:

I'm glad you were able to make it. And I'm sure you're right. And that segment annoys me as well. And I wasn't trying to act as if it is mandatory to sit through a whole game. It was more aimed to rattle some cages for those looking to get to the strip and get drunk.

Use to work the strip during football seasons and saw a lot of people going to the games because it was the popular thing to do. A lot of them couldn't tell you the score at the end of the game. Then they would be the first to call radio shows and call for Fulmer's head after a loss. Or would say we were going undefeated after a big win. I guess it's just annoying when clueless people give the loudest opinions.
Because its hot? God people are so whiney nowadays. This is the south. Its hot. Its humid. This is nothing new. Get over it or stay home.

Or go, and leave early. :)

It's not like the game was sold out and these people were preventing others from going. JMO.
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I'm 63, retired, have 3 crushed discs and a wedge fractured lumbar vertebae. I also have a weak prostrate (don't take much to make me piss, eh?) and a diverticulated bowel. As I said, I generally stay through the whole game, and watch the Pride's postgame show. That's if I'm not with my brother who has one lung and heart surgery. We walk 100 or so yards, sit down where we can, and go again, and mosey.

But you! You're THAT GUY! You're the "REAL MAN".

Phttt ... Someday your emotional and mental maturity may catch up to your testosterone induced 'manhood', but I doubt it.

Until then you are relegated to a childish twerpdom of 'mine's bigger than yours' sophmoric life.

I'll leave a ballgame anytime I damn well please.
So can anyone else!

Cool story. I would feel bad if it wasn't from a hypocrite that flamed a discussion with name calling and then plays the martyr on his next post. If you're 63, then you should know calling people names in person can be hazardous to your health. That is unless you are one of these *****cakes that grew up soft and never had to put your money were your mouth is.

I would call you a name back, but unlike you I don't have to resort to that type of Busch league, simpleton,'sophomoric' humor. I'm sure the irony will escape you, and that's fine. Thanks for confirming what I already knew from the first sentence you pounded out. Just do us a favor, stay off the call in shows. You don't watch enough of the game to speak intelligently about it.
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I think if they didn't take the foot off of the gas in these "tune-up" games, that fans would stay longer. To see the offense come to an almost dead stop isn't pretty.
Cool story. I would feel bad if it wasn't from a hypocrite that flamed a discussion with name calling and then plays the martyr on his next post. If you're 63, then you should know calling people names in person can be hazardous to your health. That is unless you are one of these *****cakes that grew up soft and never had to put your money were your mouth is.

I would call you a name back, but unlike you I don't have to resort to that type of Busch league, simpleton,'sophomoric' humor. I'm sure the irony will escape you, and that's fine. Thanks for confirming what I already knew from the first sentence you pounded out. Just do us a favor, stay off the call in shows. You don't watch enough of the game to speak intelligently about it.

Hey, you dummies realize that we're on the same team, right?
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Easy to call people things on a message board. Take comfort in knowing you will never have to find out how wrong your reality is. Hell, you can't even sit through a football game. I think you need to try and master that 'feat' before calling out people who would make you piss in your pants if you saw them in person.

Cool story. I would feel bad if it wasn't from a hypocrite that flamed a discussion with name calling and then plays the martyr on his next post. If you're 63, then you should know calling people names in person can be hazardous to your health. That is unless you are one of these *****cakes that grew up soft and never had to put your money were your mouth is.

I would call you a name back, but unlike you I don't have to resort to that type of Busch league, simpleton,'sophomoric' humor. I'm sure the irony will escape you, and that's fine. Thanks for confirming what I already knew from the first sentence you pounded out. Just do us a favor, stay off the call in shows. You don't watch enough of the game to speak intelligently about it.

I understand why people question the leaving early, but yesterday was miserable. We had to leave and I will admit that it was due to poor planning. It was overcast all morning and looked like it may rain so we didn't even think that blazing sun would be in the cards. Our guests we took were already badly sunburned and we knew they couldn't endure it anymore. It was a muggy sticky heat. Also, the stadium may have looked deceving. Not all the empty seats were a result of people leaving. The entry tunnels were packed full of people because they were shaded.
I think if they didn't take the foot off of the gas in these "tune-up" games, that fans would stay longer. To see the offense come to an almost dead stop isn't pretty.

Did you spend your money for a ticket, parking and take the time to go to Neyland to see the Vols ?

As far as tune up games Utah State and Arkansas State have had good records the last few years and I think it is safe to say they both will have winning records in 2014. The only tune up game I see on TN's schedule is Chattanooga.
Seriously. You guys who aren't capable of discussing this with some civility need to move along or re-familiarize yourselves with the board guidelines.
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Seriously. You guys who aren't capable of discussing this with some civility need to move along or re-familiarize yourselves with the board guidelines.

Off topic Freak but did you notice Butch and Trooper chatting and shaking hands during the pre game warm ups? I sat there and watched them thinking Trooper was telling Butch " I am ready to come home if the opportunity arises".
I agree, noon games can be & are rough, depending on the weather and late summer ... also people, like us, have to change their travel plans & some hotels require a two night stay now... that's BS!! UT really needs to rethink their scheduling..

Not something UT really has the option to rethink.

Anymore, schools rarely have much control over their scheduling. League and TV dictate it.
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Sanddune, I'm guessing that you're a twenty-something year old jar head, overdosing on testosterone. Disrespecting a 63 year old man the way you did on a public forum? You're a disgrace to the T. Go get your legs blown off in a desert, you piece of ****.

This is just awful, plain awful... You, sir, owe Sanddune a huge apology... I wouldn't be surprised if Freak sees fit to delete this entire thread....
Off topic Freak but did you notice Butch and Trooper chatting and shaking hands during the pre game warm ups? I sat there and watched them thinking Trooper was telling Butch " I am ready to come home if the opportunity arises".

No, I didn't catch that.

I was surprised, though, to see Blaise get so much playing time. I think he started at corner (if he didn't he surely played a lot) and he returned at least one punt late in the game.
Not something UT really has the option to rethink.

Anymore, schools rarely have much control over their scheduling. League and TV dictate it.

You're probably correct- I didn't give my remark much tbought- sorry about that. Thanks for making things clearer for me.. :good!:
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