Far right attack on Ocasio-Cortez backfires

Yep. Just a silly college video no big deal. I do agree with that. And the right just needs to hold tight. She’s gonna do plenty on her own to discredit herself!

Her views are too extreme. But the same can be said of some GOP Congressmen on the right.

I have to say, I don't get it. I thought she looked pretty good in the video. Obviously, somebody thought it would hurt her on the day she was sworn in. Seems like a petty attack and has backfired.

She doesn't need any help to look stupid. Just this morning she is proposing a 70% tax rate.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Suggests Super Wealthy be Taxed Up to 70% to Fund ‘Green New Deal’
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She looked cute in the video. I thought it was a fun thing to do. Her views are what I have a problem with. To bring up an old Democratic talking point, she lacks gravitas.


Her general views -- that the wealthy are not paying enough in taxes and that we need to do something about climate change -- are shared by the majority of Americans.

The Devil is in the details.
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Her general views -- that the wealthy are not paying enough in taxes and that we need to do something about climate change -- are shared by the majority of Americans.

The Devil is in the details.
I'm not sure that most actual taxpayers think that the wealthy don't pay enough, and I'm not sure that most think we need to, or can do something about climate change. The have nots probably think the wealthy don't pay enough because that is what the Democrat party feeds them daily.
Again that is 100% false
I'm not sure that most actual taxpayers think that the wealthy don't pay enough, and I'm not sure that most think we need to, or can do something about climate change. The have nots probably think the wealthy don't pay enough because that is what the Democrat party feeds them daily.

58 % agree that climate change is a problem and is at least in some respects affected by man.

Poll: Majority of voters worried about climate change

63 % say the wealthy pay too little in taxes. 68 % say corporations pay too little.

Majority Say Wealthy Americans, Corporations Taxed Too Little

As I say, on the right, the issue is characterized as "drain the swamp." The irony, of course, is that it is their wealthy institutions and people that benefit the most from putting the GOP in charge.

Regardless, the point is that the majority of Americans believe both of these things in principle: climate change is a problem and should be dealt with and the wealthy are not paying their fair share of taxes. They know that the wealthy play a shell game with money, obtain and then use tax dodges and breaks, lobby to keep them or to create even more.
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Her general views -- that the wealthy are not paying enough in taxes and that we need to do something about climate change -- are shared by the majority of Americans.

The Devil is in the details.
Proof that we need to have massive voter reform in this country. If you want liability insurance for gun owners, then you are in favor of placing a financial burden on those exercising a specific right. This means a poll tax, say 2-3k a year and a voter ID would have your support since we are now charging citizens to exercise their rights?
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58 % agree that climate change is a problem and is at least in some respects affected by man.

Poll: Majority of voters worried about climate change

63 % say the wealthy pay too little in taxes. 68 % say corporations pay too little.

Majority Say Wealthy Americans, Corporations Taxed Too Little

As I say, on the right, the issue is characterized as "drain the swamp." The irony, of course, is that it is their wealthy institutions and people that benefit the most from putting the GOP in charge.

Regardless, the point is that the majority of Americans believe both of these things in principle: climate change is a problem and should be dealt with and the wealthy are not paying their fair share of taxes. They know that the wealthy play a shell game with money, obtain and then use tax dodges and breaks, lobby to keep them or to create even more.
Boy, 72’s post must have been too hard for you to comprehend.
5 people responded to this post (so far), clarifying their relationship with her. LOL

I think she’s a young person with radical ideas .. shocker ! She will either grow out of them , end up and old socialist has been like Bernie that most think is just nuts , or the Dem leadership will spark her butt and tell her to sit down and listen for a while instead of giving the Rs audio / video clips to make them look dumber than they already do when somebody sticks a camera in their faces .
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