Far right attack on Ocasio-Cortez backfires

5 people responded to this post (so far), clarifying their relationship with her. LOL
And all 5 were either frivolous just like your initial post or pointed to a valid item on her. I was the only one who “clarified my relationship” and it was still a frivolous post just like yours.
58 % agree that climate change is a problem and is at least in some respects affected by man.

Poll: Majority of voters worried about climate change

63 % say the wealthy pay too little in taxes. 68 % say corporations pay too little.

Majority Say Wealthy Americans, Corporations Taxed Too Little

As I say, on the right, the issue is characterized as "drain the swamp." The irony, of course, is that it is their wealthy institutions and people that benefit the most from putting the GOP in charge.

Regardless, the point is that the majority of Americans believe both of these things in principle: climate change is a problem and should be dealt with and the wealthy are not paying their fair share of taxes. They know that the wealthy play a shell game with money, obtain and then use tax dodges and breaks, lobby to keep them or to create even more.
I'd bet most of the respondents don't even know what the tax brackets are for middle income/upper income/corporations.

Just responding with their feelz.

This poll was also conducted in April 2017, several months before Trump tax changes were passed. So these were people saying corporations paying 35% weren't paying enough? ( if they even knew what the number was)

Again, more feelz.
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I'd bet most of the respondents don't even know what the tax brackets are for middle income/upper income/corporations.

Just responding with their feelz.

This poll was also conducted in April 2017, several months before Trump tax changes were passed. So these were people saying corporations paying 35% weren't paying enough? ( if they even knew what the number was)

Again, more feelz.

I’d also bet most respondents don’t pay an actual dime in taxes.
I'd bet most of the respondents don't even know what the tax brackets are for middle income/upper income/corporations.

Just responding with their feelz.

This poll was also conducted in April 2017, several months before Trump tax changes were passed. So these were people saying corporations paying 35% weren't paying enough? ( if they even knew what the number was)

Again, more feelz.
Of course not. It’s “They make more money than me and that’s not fair so they need to pay more” sentiment.

The “Climate change” one is funny to me as well. The only thing ever brought up is that taxes need to be raised even more and that’ll do it. Lmao
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And all 5 were either frivolous just like your initial post or pointed to a valid item on her. I was the only one who “clarified my relationship” and it was still a frivolous post just like yours.

OMG, stop being so serious all the time.
Proof that we need to have massive voter reform in this country. If you want liability insurance for gun owners, then you are in favor of placing a financial burden on those exercising a specific right. This means a poll tax, say 2-3k a year and a voter ID would have your support since we are now charging citizens to exercise their rights?
Bump for the troll. LG, voter ID and poll tax good now right? Tit for tat?
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I have to say, I don't get it. I thought she looked pretty good in the video. Obviously, somebody thought it would hurt her on the day she was sworn in. Seems like a petty attack and has backfired.
Yeah, that is pretty stupid. But again, this goes to what I constantly harp on in here about all of this fake, sanctimonious outrage that goes on... both on the left and the right.

Redhats need to find actual violations of the Constitution or real corruption instead of always focusing on petty/social issues.

Her general views -- that the wealthy are not paying enough in taxes and that we need to do something about climate change -- are shared by the majority of Americans.

The Devil is in the details.
Well, lets not go that far... at least with regards to climate change.

And so what if the majority of Americans agree with her? Are we a democracy or a republic? Are we governed by mob rule?
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