Favorite Movie Quote (merged)

What's one of you all's favorite quotes from some your favorite movies?

I would have to say my favorite quote is from the Dark Knight when Aaron Eckart(sp?) says:

"You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villian"

and there is always(from my avatar)

"Why so serious? Let's put a smile on that face!"
"We're gonna have the hap, hap, happiest Christmas since Bing Crosby tap danced with Danny F-ing Kaye!" - Clark W. Griswold

"Watch your mouth kid or you're gonna find yourself floating home!"- Han Solo
Well... sir, you are a cowardly son of a bitch! You just shot an unarmed man!

Well, he should have armed himself if he was gonna decorate his saloon with my friend.
Sorry I can't narrow it down to just one quote or one movie.

Almost everything from Fight Club.

"Good Fellas" Billy Batts: Go home and get your ******* shine box.

"Pulp Fiction" The Wolf: That's thirty minutes away. I'll be there in ten

"Unforgiven" Will Munny: All right, I'm coming out. Any man I see out there, I'm gonna shoot him. Any sumbitch takes a shot at me, I'm not only gonna kill him, but I'm gonna kill his wife, all his friends, and burn his damn house down.

"The Outlaw Josey Wales" Josey Wales: Are you gonna pull those pistols or whistle Dixie?

"Friday" Mr. Jones: I grab a dog. I choke him and I kick the sh*t out of him. All day long got my foot up a dog's ass. Just bang, bang, bang up his ass. That's my pleasure.

Here's my all time fav...kinda long.

"Jaws" Quint: Japanese submarine slammed two torpedoes into our side, Chief. We was comin' back from the island of Tinian to Leyte... just delivered the bomb. The Hiroshima bomb. Eleven hundred men went into the water. Vessel went down in 12 minutes. Didn't see the first shark for about a half an hour. Tiger. 13-footer. You know how you know that when you're in the water, Chief? You tell by looking from the dorsal to the tail. What we didn't know, was our bomb mission had been so secret, no distress signal had been sent. They didn't even list us overdue for a week. Very first light, Chief, sharks come cruisin', so we formed ourselves into tight groups. You know, it was kinda like old squares in the battle like you see in the calendar named "The Battle of Waterloo" and the idea was: shark comes to the nearest man, that man he starts poundin' and hollerin' and screamin' and sometimes the shark go away... but sometimes he wouldn't go away. Sometimes that shark he looks right into ya. Right into your eyes. And, you know, the thing about a shark... he's got lifeless eyes. Black eyes. Like a doll's eyes. When he comes at ya, doesn't seem to be living... until he bites ya, and those black eyes roll over white and then... ah then you hear that terrible high-pitched screamin'. The ocean turns red, and despite all the poundin' and the hollerin', they all come in and they... rip you to pieces. You know by the end of that first dawn, lost a hundred men. I don't know how many sharks, maybe a thousand. I know how many men, they averaged six an hour. On Thursday morning, Chief, I bumped into a friend of mine, Herbie Robinson from Cleveland. Baseball player. Boatswain's mate. I thought he was asleep. I reached over to wake him up. Bobbed up, down in the water just like a kinda top. Upended. Well, he'd been bitten in half below the waist. Noon, the fifth day, Mr. Hooper, a Lockheed Ventura saw us. He swung in low and he saw us... he was a young pilot, a lot younger than Mr. Hooper. Anyway, he saw us and he come in low and three hours later a big fat PBY comes down and starts to pick us up. You know that was the time I was most frightened... waitin' for my turn. I'll never put on a lifejacket again. So, eleven hundred men went in the water; 316 men come out and the sharks took the rest, June the 29th, 1945. Anyway, we delivered the bomb.

and many, many more......
I know it's an old tale but it was in Haunting in Conneticut. Kinda long for a quote but...

One bright day in the middle of the night
two dead boys got up to fight.
Back to back they faced each other
Drew their swords
and shot each other.
The deaf policeman heard the noise
came and shot those two dead boys.
If you don't believe this lie is true
ask the blind man, he saw it too.
Jimmy Dugan: Evelyn, could you come here for a second? Which team do you play for?
Evelyn Gardner: Well, I'm a Peach.
Jimmy Dugan: Well I was just wonderin' why you would throw home when we got a two-run lead. You let the tying run get on second base and we lost the lead because of you. Start using your head. That's the lump that's three feet above your ass.
[Evelyn starts to cry]
Jimmy Dugan: Are you crying? Are you crying? ARE YOU CRYING? There's no crying! THERE'S NO CRYING IN BASEBALL!
Doris Murphy: Why don't you give her a break, Jimmy...
Jimmy Dugan: Oh, you zip it, Doris! Rogers Hornsby was my manager, and he called me a talking pile of pigshit. And that was when my parents drove all the way down from Michigan to see me play the game. And did I cry?
Evelyn Gardner: No, no, no.
Jimmy Dugan: Yeah! NO. And do you know why?
Evelyn Gardner: No...
Jimmy Dugan: Because there's no crying in baseball. THERE'S NO CRYING IN BASEBALL! No crying!
Pearl Harbor - Colonel Doolittle - “There's nothing stronger than the heart of a Volunteer.”
Jack Torrance: Wendy? Darling? Light, of my life. I'm not gonna hurt ya. You didn't let me finish my sentence. I said, I'm not gonna hurt ya. I'm just going to bash your brains in.

The Shining

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