FedEx, Taxes, and Paying for Infrastructure

Biden has too and not a damn thing will be built. Money will be spent by the truckload but just like during Obama’s term, nothing will be built.

Seems like when obama's shovel ready projects got going there were a lot of lane closures and other traffic impediments but nobody working there. Maybe stamping out construction signs and building barriers is infrastructure?
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But you are good with higher taxes.

job killers.

I think it's getting to where we have to play the same game the liberals are playing. Republicans and conservatives have been friends to Corporate America all the while they continue to be woke and cave to the radicals. Let the Dem's raise their taxes so the reality will sink in.
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That's true but entirely true. Some want everyone to pay more. Most (all???) of those will also take a for mortgage interest...when others, like renters, are not offered that loophole.

You have to suppose that tax breaks for owners would be passed through in some form to renters because of competition. Certainly any time the owners see increase they pass that through to renters. Since I'm not a landlord, that's supposition based on how most cost related things work. Tax deductions for mortgage interest do certainly affect anyone who has paid off a mortgage or kept modest in ownership - penalizes frugality or responsible spending.
I think it's getting to where we have to play the same game the liberals are playing. Republicans and conservatives have been friends to Corporate America all the while they continue to be woke and cave to the radicals. Let the Dem's raise their taxes so the reality will sink in.
We don't have any choice. They can ram anything they want down our throats. And I have zero sympathy for all these groups that voted for Biden and suddenly find themselves out of work... or groups whose jobs are endangered by unfettered illegal immigration. We all saw this coming.
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I think it's getting to where we have to play the same game the liberals are playing. Republicans and conservatives have been friends to Corporate America all the while they continue to be woke and cave to the radicals. Let the Dem's raise their taxes so the reality will sink in.

Going to have to disagree in part. Corporate America does not exist. They are Corporate World and 330M is a spit in the consumer bucket. As GHWB said, a new world order, and Biden says "Great Reset".
Nation states are becoming a thing of the past. The attacks on MAGA..who would of thought that such a slogan would be so nefarious.
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Going to have to disagree in part. Corporate America does not exist. They are Corporate World and 330M is a spit in the consumer bucket. As GHWB said, a new world order, and Biden says "Great Reset".
Nation states are becoming a thing of the past. The attacks on MAGA..who would of thought that such a slogan would be so nefarious.

We're screwed if that's it. A couple of nations outnumber us by about a billion people each. We've got the highest cost of living and labor. And the European (EU) countries will slit our throat in a minute to survive. We better bring back nationalism is a big hurry. Oh, and I've got no problem with lining Wall Street, the Mall (in DC), etc with guillotines and nooses to handle the CEOs and people who sold us out in the first place.

What I have never been able to figure out is how any rational human being in the free world could possibly see China as a market, and why any rational human being would open relations with China. It's like being trapped in a small room with a huge carnivore and provoking it with a stick.

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