Then you are either not paying attention, or you're just not all that bright. This team is showing all of the signs of serious improvement. And unlike past seasons, I don't see any non-Bama game left on the schedule that I don't think we have a good shot at winning.
The recruiting keeps getting better. We are the best third down team in the country. We are among the least penalized teams. We have a dynamic running back. We have a QB who won't quit and who keeps improving. And we have a defense that is as fast as any we have seen in a decade.
We comfortably beat two solid 50-60 range teams. We were within 2 plays of being right with a national championship contender at home in Norman. And we were within one play - or one injury - of beating the best team in the East at home.
But whatever. Go on thinking that there isn't any improvement. Keep being an ignorant, uninformed, Debbie-downer of a fan.