Final batch of JFK Files released by Trump

Russia: Oswald, we'll pay 100k for assasination of JFK.

Also Russia: Ruby, we'll pay 50k for assasination of Oswald.

Also Russia: Dr, we'll pay 25k for killing Ruby as long as it looks like cancer.
Ruby lived for over three years after the killings. It's not like passed in 30 days.
JFK became president because the election was stolen for him.

They didn't want Boston baked beans Kennedy to travel to Texas because it was full of Southerners waving Confederate flags.

Afraid that's not quite it, it was because the extreme right wing in Texas was using language that bothered the secret service.

Stole the election? Oh you mean like W did and Trump tried to do.
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Afraid that's not quite it, it was because the extreme right wing in Texas was using language that bothered the secret service.

Stole the election? Oh you mean like W did and Trump tried to do.
If you don’t know how Kennedy and LBJ “won” TX and IL you don’t really know history
So? The ability to weaponize cancer back then was in its infancy stages.
The point I was trying to convey, if the " Russians" or whoever was involved with the assassination was concerned Ruby would spill the beans why would they allow him to survive three + years and have the opportunity to talk.
A simple hanging, heart attack, or stabbing would have silenced him quickly.
I have a real hard time believing the Russians would risk WWIII and certain destruction by hiring Oswald.
I agree. Plus, $100,000 to kill the POTUS? I don’t care if it was 1963. I think it’s entirely possible LHO was one of several fall guys that were created around the country and everything came together in Dallas. Meaning there could’ve been a guy in Dallas, Chicago, Miami, etc who all had similar stories as Oswald. They all could’ve been useful idiots.
I agree. Plus, $100,000 to kill the POTUS? I don’t care if it was 1963. I think it’s entirely possible LHO was one of several fall guys that were created around the country and everything came together in Dallas. Meaning there could’ve been a guy in Dallas, Chicago, Miami, etc who all had similar stories as Oswald. They all could’ve been useful idiots.
It would have been a sloppy bit of work. The lead suspect is a guy that just arrived back from the USSR, was out in New Orleans the summer before debating folks on television and standing on street corners talking about Fair Play for Cuba, and then you mysteriously have a wallet show up at 10th and Patton at the sight of the Ofc. Tippett shooting with I.D.s for Oswald and Alek Hiddel... which also happened to match the name of a mail order Carcano that was allegedly used. Talk about bread crumbs leading back to the Kremlin...
It would have been a sloppy bit of work. The lead suspect is a guy that just arrived back from the USSR, was out in New Orleans the summer before debating folks on television and standing on street corners talking about Fair Play for Cuba, and then you mysteriously have a wallet show up at 10th and Patton at the sight of the Ofc. Tippett shooting with I.D.s for Oswald and Eric Hiddel... which also happened to match the name of a mail order Carcano that was allegedly used. Talk about bread crumbs leading back to the Kremlin...

That’s not even sloppy. That’s like flashing a giant KGB sign saying we had a hand in it . Kennedy, RFK and some others were pretty much the only reason that the world didn’t end a year earlier. You had guys like General LeMay who were itching to unleash the nuclear arsenal, why give them that power with JFK out of the way?
Let me ask you gun guys a question. Why were there 3 spent shells found on the floor and not 2? Why wasn't the 3rd round casing still in the chamber? Is it just a natural instinct with a bolt action rifle to manually eject the shell and rack the new one after the weapon is fired? I've always been curious about this.

IMO, an assassin would have his round loaded and fire, eject/load, fire, eject/load, fire then get the hell out of there.
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Let me ask you gun guys a question. Why were there 3 spent shells found on the floor and not 2? Why wasn't the 3rd round still in the chamber? Is it just a natural instinct with a bolt action rifle to manually eject the shell and rack the new one after the weapon is fired? I've always been curious about this.

IMO, an assassin would have his round loaded and fire, eject/load, fire, eject/load, fire then get the hell out of there.
Should always Police your brass before GTH outta dodge.
I have a real hard time believing the Russians would risk WWIII and certain destruction by hiring Oswald.
Over time, the KGB defector, Yuri Nosenko, came into acceptance as legitimate by the FBI. He provided a very plausible account of his interviews with Oswald, with a sensible explanation for why Oswald was never seriously considered as an asset by Soviet Intelligence. They thought he was a clown... and he was.
Let me ask you gun guys a question. Why were there 3 spent shells found on the floor and not 2? Why wasn't the 3rd round casing still in the chamber? Is it just a natural instinct with a bolt action rifle to manually eject the shell and rack the new one after the weapon is fired? I've always been curious about this.

IMO, an assassin would have his round loaded and fire, eject/load, fire, eject/load, fire then get the hell out of there.

Why were there shell casings at all? Either the shooter was stupid or they were breadcrumbs used to point to a particular suspect.
If you don’t know how Kennedy and LBJ “won” TX and IL you don’t really know history

Now I can accept hard feelings over Illinois, but Texas? In the 60's it was a southern Democratic state and Lyndon Johnson was the top dog, I mean why the hell do you put NASA in Houston, except for Johnson. He didn't have to do anything that wasn't just the Texas way of doing business. Had to live in Texas for a year while going through advanced flight training. They take such pride in being stupid. (I used to love to go into cowboy bars on a Friday night. Was always different. They'd put their Lone Star longnecks in their back pocket and when a couple of them would get into the inevitable fight with one of them getting knocked on his butt, there would be blood everywhere.)

Remember these are the guys who fired Barnes, much to our benefit.
Now I can accept hard feelings over Illinois, but Texas? In the 60's it was a southern Democratic state and Lyndon Johnson was the top dog, I mean why the hell do you put NASA in Houston, except for Johnson. He didn't have to do anything that wasn't just the Texas way of doing business. Had to live in Texas for a year while going through advanced flight training. They take such pride in being stupid. (I used to love to go into cowboy bars on a Friday night. Was always different. They'd put their Lone Star longnecks in their back pocket and when a couple of them would get into the inevitable fight with one of them getting knocked on his butt, there would be blood everywhere.)

Remember these are the guys who fired Barnes, much to our benefit.
LBJ operatives paid people to take truckloads of ballots and burn them in the desert
Gerald Posner's "Case Closed" is the best resource I've found for the assassination. Plowed through several conspiracy-based books prior to this one only to come away realizing they were just pseudo-writers trying to make a quick buck.

Also, don't discount the theory that any governmental agency (CIA, FBI) looking to hide info is doing so due to the embarrassment they would suffer from some of their incompetence around not sniffing this thing out before it happened. All JMO, so TIFWIW of course.
Afraid that's not quite it, it was because the extreme right wing in Texas was using language that bothered the secret service.

Stole the election? Oh you mean like W did and Trump tried to do.
How did W steal the election? It’s his campaigns fault that thousands of Jewish voters in South Fla accidentally voted for Pat Buchanan because of the ridiculously designed butterfly ballot?

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