Final batch of JFK Files released by Trump

There used to be a website that discussed the jfk movie.. Stone made up a bunch of crap and called it creative licensing. I wish the website was still around, it was very informative.
There’s no doubt that a lot was sensationalized. I think I thought this was different because it used actual testimony from past interviews. I also thought that the way autopsy was performed was very suspect.
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The cia could have been behind it, im not sure but i think there was only one gunman.
There might’ve been, but I don‘t think it was LHO. I think he was a useful idiot. Going back to what I said about the JFK revisiting documentary, it sounded like there was something similar that was setup a month before the assassasination with another guy, similar to Oswald, being the fall guy.
There’s no doubt that a lot was sensationalized. I think I thought this was different because it used actual testimony from past interviews. I also thought that the way autopsy was performed was very suspect.
The autopsy was the start of it. What about the transporting of his body from Dallas to Bethesda? Allegedly 2 caskets? And then this...

Coffin Used for JFK Dumped at Sea in 1965, Records Show

A bronze coffin used to transport President Kennedy’s body from Dallas to Washington was dropped from a military plane into the ocean two years after he was killed, according to assassination documents.

Apparently the casket is in 9,000 feet of water in the Atlantic Ocean,” Kermit L. Hall, a member of the defunct Assassination Records Review Board, said in a telephone interview Friday night.
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My whole issue with the 2nd gunmen is that if they shot him from the knoll the bullet would have entered right side and come out his left. It's obvious the shot came from behind him.
What's yalls opinions on why we don't see successful or attempted presidential assassinations any more. Is it better security and recon, or is it the populace has changed their view of the act?
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True but they don’t make right turns in mid air.

No one knows, bullets bounce around, and with a moving car, it definitely could happen. I saw a documentary where they recreated the shot. The bullets path copied the original very close.
No one knows, bullets bounce around, and with a moving car, it definitely could happen. I saw a documentary where they recreated the shot. The bullets path copied the original very close.
Well of course it did. They probably went in wanting to prove their preconceived narrative.
What's yalls opinions on why we don't see successful or attempted presidential assassinations any more. Is it better security and recon, or is it the populace has changed their view of the act?

Way better security.
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What's yalls opinions on why we don't see successful or attempted presidential assassinations any more. Is it better security and recon, or is it the populace has changed their view of the act?[/YouTube..

As angry as we're supposed to be im surprised too
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I've watched that several times now. Interesting about the other so-called patsies that were in other planned JFK motorcades. Here is another good one I watched last night and I believe is new. I plan to watch it again.

I've had this pulled up on YouTube for a few days and haven't watched it.
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