FINALLY...PROOF that there IS NO>>>

To WOO or not -- personal choice but I say whichever is more annoying to opposing fans -- do that one!
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Thems that like tuh woo, WOO. Thems that dinna like to woo, DON"T. The mouth on your face is yours, to do what you want to DO, wid et.
Me? i don't woo, cause I dinna want TO.
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Funny that people actually care about the woo. I grew up without it and when it started, it didn't bother me a bit. I feel like the woo haters probably dislike alternate jerseys too.

I’ll testify to this. I go back and forth on each..

Used to not like the woo, but I'm to the point now where it doesn't bother me. If you're feeling a woo, then go ahead and woo.

“Woo is Optional” tee shirts for the rest of us.

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