Finish The Sentence

If we ignore the jackwagons who say CBJ was a mistake after his first 2 losses

There is NO comparison between CDD and CBJ. One came to UT as a winner, the other was a loser. Hard to believe it took two games to figure that out about CDD.

It really doesn't take much to see the extraordinary differences between those two HFC's, in my humble opinion.
"This will be a successful football season if we _________."

here is mine:
if we compete for four quarters, win one game as an underdog, show improvement every week, and go to a bowl game.

This is a fair metric... :hi:
yep,really hmanvolfan. When things went south last year, it ignited a whole lot of give up.Lets hope CBJ ,staff, us fans can boost the kids up this year when games dont turn out good.:crazy:
Yep, they need to really tighten up everything!!!
"This will be a successful football season if we _________."

here is mine:
if we compete for four quarters, win one game as an underdog, show improvement every week, and go to a bowl game.

Play every game with a high level of discipline while winning 6
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feed the orange dog.

Sorry, couldn't resist, but seriously...
This will be a successful season if we can seal off the edges on defense, get a decent pass rush, and pass the ball well enough to keep the opposing defenses honest.
Keep palardy off the field n on 3rd n 2 we can line up in a power formation n run the stinking ball successfully ..... n win at least 7

If we line.up in that stupid pistol formation one more going to have to break something... I mean how bad was that when the announcers were calling the plays...:)
...Make a bowl game. There's a shot to win 8 games, but ill start with getting to a bowl game after missing it the last 2 years.
This will be a successful season IF we win the games we are suppose to win along with an upset of UGA UG Bama or USC .
If we can run the ball down their throats and our defense plays like they are capable of.

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