Two stud, underrated 3 * in back to back years. Best pair of corners we've had since 98. Let that sink in for a minute. Tells you just how far the program was allowed to tank under Hamilton, Fulmer, Kiffin and Dooley.Emmanuel Moseley is going to be a very good one. First DB to loose his stripe. Two lock-down corners will go a long way.
Two stud, underrated 3 * in back to back years. Best pair of corners we've had since 98. Let that sink in for a minute. Tells you just how far the program was allowed to tank under Hamilton, Fulmer, Kiffin and Dooley.
This isn't pointed at you but does it really matter when they come off? Knowing how Butch likes to create competition and motivation there is probably a reason and method for when the stripes are removed.
I'm pretty sure they'll all be off by August 31.
If I were associated with the police, I would have kicked in the guy's door, shot his dog, and then planted drugs on him when I couldn't find anything in his possession. I wish the cops only went around message boards telling posters that they are unfunny hacks.