Fist up vols

Vols are going to use the ol fist to examine WK's prostrate...ouch....WK sure to be sore come Sunday
That why you demand to see the Urologist hand size before choosing one.. Typically choosing a former OT is a bad idea, They tend to have hands like kitchen mitts

There should be more midget Urologists...or small 100 lb female urologists, that don't believe in long nails.
Came in, thinking we were gonna talk about the action after 3-and-outs, not some fans. Leaving now.
I too think we will win this game...however that old saying "Fool me once, shame on you...Fool me twice shame on me" Kinda holds true for this football team. I've been fooled a few times and I do not want to get embarrassed again. I try and not get too excited and yet I am Orange all The Way.

Not this football team... New coach, new beginning. I don't believe we will win more than 6 or 7 games this year but I feel confident we will win the games we are supposed to win as long as everyone stays healthy.:peace2:
What the Hell??!! The thread started out fine, but then she started talking about fist up and rectal probes Jim>>>

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