So... people aren't allowed to dislike other teams and take joy in them losing because their favorite teams aren't as good? No wonder bandwagon fans exist. They can run their mouths and be a-holes cause all they did was choose a better favorite team. I guess you can't be a fan of the sport itself or speak your mind because your team isn't a good. That's pretty lame... not as lame as Florida fans acting like they run this place. Their Swamp Ass forum would never put up with this crap. They'd think a rival fan is a dick for being over their daily spouting off. Man, I'd love to see them say some of this crap to 100's of Tennessee(or any other rival) fans in person. They wouldn't do it and if they did, they'd regret it.
So sick of them spending their life on here trying f'ing lecture us. I want to talk to Tennessee fans about this game. Not annoying ass Florida fans who talk crap about the Vols because their offense is a pile of dog crap. Even if they beat Tennessee, doesn't change that. Right? Okay then.