Florida Dem proposes new security clearance bill

When it comes to security clearance I would think any evidence that someone participated in the Capital riot would already be denied. Evidence demonstrating a belief in Q should be as well.

Don’t think a law needs to be made for either.
Define "participated in the capital riot"?

Should anyone who was protesting at all outside and never stepped in the building be denied?
What about someone on Facebook who liked a post or retweeted a tweet about Q-Anon?
What about someone who thinks there was some fraud in the election?
What about someone who thinks the moon landing was faked?
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I would like to add another group to the Congresswoman's proposed bill; fans who believe in conspiracy theories about their favorite team's coaching search.
I would like to add another group to the Congresswoman's proposed bill; fans who believe in conspiracy theories about their favorite team's coaching search.

I think it would be a lot easier if the government just left it open ended and said .. “anyone we deem unworthy” .
So 90% of all CFB couldn't get a clearance?
Possibly. We'd have to separate the "fun" threads (Gruden) from legit conspiracy theories we currently see in the FF.

It may be higher than 90% after all.
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Well that's not really a proper comparison. I don't agree with the bill as written but if you're a q follower and attended on Jan 6 then maybe a clearance shouldn't be automatic. I think it would come up in an investigation already though
Uhhh... what about any of the riots this summer?
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Participation in a riot, any riot should be automatic disqualification. Attending a protest should not.

Believing in Q is quite different than BLM. But if someone has identified or participated in Antifa then their clearance should be suspect as well.

I don’t think a law is necessary though. Not sure exactly how clearance is granted. Is there a person that makes the final decision? If so their judgment should be used.
Believing in Q is on par with someone that believed in Russian collusion in 2016. I disagree with both of those groups, but I'm not ready to start removing them from consideration from Federal jobs.

That is a slippery slope. What next? If you have a Parler account should you be denied?
Believing in Q is on par with someone that believed in Russian collusion in 2016. I disagree with both of those groups, but I'm not ready to start removing them from consideration from Federal jobs.

That is a slippery slope. What next? If you have a Parler account should you be denied?

Except Russian collusion was actually based in reality as confirmed by GOP Senate.

Even people that believed the all the salacious aspects like the pee tape werent as damaged as the ardent Q followers that were ready to go shoot up a pizza place.
Except Russian collusion was actually based in reality as confirmed by GOP Senate.

Even people that believed the all the salacious aspects like the pee tape werent as damaged as the ardent Q followers that were ready to go shoot up a pizza place.

1 guy shot up the pizza place. 1 guy that believed in the faux collusion conspiracy shot up members of congress.

I thought you wanted consistency?
Well that's not really a proper comparison. I don't agree with the bill as written but if you're a q follower and attended on Jan 6 then maybe a clearance shouldn't be automatic. I think it would come up in an investigation already though
mmmmkay.. so let's say Joe gets us into a shooting war tomorrow and they re-institute the draft.... I guess storming the castle would seem like a pretty good idea then, huh?

No.. this whole thing is completely stupid.
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Why? If that is the case then shouldn't the same apply to anyone that participated in a BLM riot or follows ANTIFA be treated the same? We can have differing views and still be loyal to the country. Our country is not our government or it's institutions, it's the people and the constitution that is supposed to protect us from our government and its institutions.
That's different
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1 guy shot up the pizza place. 1 guy that believed in the faux collusion conspiracy shot up members of congress.

I thought you wanted consistency?

Did he do that based on the Russia story? I honestly don’t recall. I know he targeted Republicans but I thought it was over them trying to repeal the ACA.

I just threw out the easy Q story that everyone knows about. There have been dozens of wackos arrested who’s charges are linked to their beliefs in Q.
You might not like the military you find protecting you.
Yeah, well they might find out that they have a big shortage of people willing to go into the military and put everything on the line to support stupid crap that is now happening.
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Except Russian collusion was actually based in reality as confirmed by GOP Senate.

Even people that believed the all the salacious aspects like the pee tape werent as damaged as the ardent Q followers that were ready to go shoot up a pizza place.
so again, what conspiracies are you allowed to believe in in your illogical world? Faked moon landing? JFK conspiracy? CIA killed Lennon? All police are racist killers?
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so again, what conspiracies are you allowed to believe in in your illogical world? Faked moon landing? JFK conspiracy? CIA killed Lennon? All police are racist killers?

Slippery slop argument is weak but if you believe the moon landing was faked then your judgment is definitely suspect. Also, I’ve never known Moon Truthers to riot or attempt shoot up a movie studio or anything.

As I’ve repeatedly said. I don’t think there is a need to pass a new law. It should be a judgment call by the people making the final decision once the background info is completed.

End of the day, people that deep dive into conspiracy theories probably have other red flags that would disqualify them anyway.
Slippery slop argument is weak but if you believe the moon landing was faked then your judgment is definitely suspect. Also, I’ve never known Moon Truthers to riot or attempt shoot up a movie studio or anything.

As I’ve repeatedly said. I don’t think there is a need to pass a new law. It should be a judgment call by the people making the final decision once the background info is completed.

End of the day, people that deep dive into conspiracy theories probably have other red flags that would disqualify them anyway.

Security clearances cannot be "judgement calls". That leaves entirely too much power in the reviewers hands, they have to have strict guidelines to protect the people.
Security clearances cannot be "judgement calls". That leaves entirely too much power in the reviewers hands, they have to have strict guidelines to protect the people.

So it is just check some boxes and stamp?

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