Florida Dem proposes new security clearance bill

Slippery slop argument is weak but if you believe the moon landing was faked then your judgment is definitely suspect. Also, I’ve never known Moon Truthers to riot or attempt shoot up a movie studio or anything.

As I’ve repeatedly said. I don’t think there is a need to pass a new law. It should be a judgment call by the people making the final decision once the background info is completed.

End of the day, people that deep dive into conspiracy theories probably have other red flags that would disqualify them anyway.
but here is the issue, you are comparing believing in QAnon or that the election was stolen with "rioting or shooting up a movie studio". One is simply a belief not a violent action, I could believe all liberals were space alien lizard people but it doesn't mean i am a "danger" to anyone
Slippery slop argument is weak but if you believe the moon landing was faked then your judgment is definitely suspect. Also, I’ve never known Moon Truthers to riot or attempt shoot up a movie studio or anything.

As I’ve repeatedly said. I don’t think there is a need to pass a new law. It should be a judgment call by the people making the final decision once the background info is completed.

End of the day, people that deep dive into conspiracy theories probably have other red flags that would disqualify them anyway.

People can justify any rights infringement evidently.
mmmmkay.. so let's say Joe gets us into a shooting war tomorrow and they re-institute the draft.... I guess storming the castle would seem like a pretty good idea then, huh?

No.. this whole thing is completely stupid.

Biden will not go to war, Chinese would destroy us.
A bold, yet foolish attempt to curb our real-life version of ‘Idiocracy’. I enjoy the sentiment, poor execution though.

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