Florida game sold out?

Probably nowhere near $350. Last year was the most hyped game in Knoxville in a lot of years, and tickets weren't even that high then. I had about 10 extra tickets to that game and sold them all for $175-$225.

If we beat Oregon, you can bet your booty the UT-UF unsold tickets head into the stratosphere. They may even make it all the way to the Van Allen Belt.
It's in Gainesville. That shouldn't be a surprise.

If you've followed UF home game attendance the last couple of years than it might be.

Personally, its not that surprising looking at there crappy home schedule.
Speaking as a representative of the younger UT fans, I see Florida on the level right below Alabama. I absolutely hate FL, but I think so much of that hatred comes because of the extreme amount of bandwagon FL fans there are. You can tell the bandwagon fans from the lifers. I don't care how long you've liked bama, I don't like you. So, yeah, Florida is a rival for me, but still not on the level of Alabama. Close 2nd.
If we were 2-10 and those victories were against UF and Bama, I would consider it a successful season.

This. But the SEC would be pretty far down if we could beat Bama and Fla and lose to an Akron or MTSU... lol

My most hated rivals list always starts with Alabama, Fla is a close second, basically bc they always have the deuchiest coaches. Then GA and SC. I dont really consider those teams we beat almost every year a rival even if they are in the SEC
This. But the SEC would be pretty far down if we could beat Bama and Fla and lose to an Akron or MTSU... lol

My most hated rivals list always starts with Alabama, Fla is a close second, basically bc they always have the deuchiest coaches. Then GA and SC. I dont really consider those teams we beat almost every year a rival even if they are in the SEC

I don't really consider SC a rival.

That does bring up a question though, does SC have an in-conference rivalry? I've heard Kentucky, but who else would be their rivals?
I don't really consider SC a rival.

That does bring up a question though, does SC have an in-conference rivalry? I've heard Kentucky, but who else would be their rivals?

Me neither, really. But I was going on the playing them every year thing.

OOC would obviously be Clemson, but IC I would have to say Georgia was always a game they really wanted to win every year when I lived down near Columbia
just for fun.

name 3 areas where tennessee has an advantage

Truthfully I would say O-line and RB (assuming we have Lane back) would be our only areas we are stronger than Florida. And I say RB because Gilislee is gone. I really don't know of any other area.

Maybe that our mascot isn't lame? Or that we don't play Jaws (who was a shark, not an alligator) music and finish with Go! Vols!

I don't think we'll beat Florida this year, but maybe I'm just done ever predicting another victory over Florida until the streak is over.
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That does bring up a question though, does SC have an in-conference rivalry? I've heard Kentucky, but who else would be their rivals?

They consider themselves to be a rival of UGA. I don't know what Dawg fans think of that.
Our biggest advantage over FL is that our coach is not "Bat Sh*t Crazy!!


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