
So, you're either gonna get hate him for "throwing his player under the bus" or "running up the score"? Please.

He threw his player under the bus. Running up the score...ehh...he pulled the reigns in the 4th so I'm not really complaining about that. A coach should never just throw his player under the bus like that though.
Why wouldn't he? If a team waived millions of $ asking you to come to the league would you? He said he has no interest going to the league because he loves the college game. Take it for what it's worth. Fulmer is 13 years older than Meyer. Give him some time.

I was saying he wouldn't be able to win more SEC or NC rings than Fulmer if he went to the league.
I don't see much of a problem with running up the score...these aren't toddlers who are going to get their feelings hurt. If Hawaii didn't like Florida scoring all those points, they should have played a little defense. It's a 60 minute game...whether you're outmatched or not, you better bring it for 60 minutes.

If a coach has a game in control and chooses to keep his most valuable players in the game unnecessarily...well, eventually, he'll have to deal with the criticism of a tragedy that could have easily been avoided.

First of all, the kid (Wilson) is not on scholarship and wasn't even dressed out. Stop crying. He was asked about why he faked the punt up 28. He said in that formation the punter has the option to run the ball if he sees it open. Meyer said he's glad he made it cause he probably wouldn't have seen the field if he didn't make it up 28. I'll take Meyer over Fulmer any day and probably alot of TN fans would also. We didn't even score a point in the last quarter. How is that running up the score? We ran the football in the fourth quarter. Coaches have objectives before football games, specifically the 1st one b/c we don't play UAB next week. We have to get our offense clicking on all cylinders. Running up the score is a garbage comment.

Well said Victory....obviously they weren't watching the coaches substitute in at will either. Hell Tebow only threw 14 passes....:huh:

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