FL's QB battle

Franks may not have told you that you have the memory of a goldfish, but I'm not sure he's a happy camper.

They're probably all pissed off. At the coach, each other, the goldfish, errbody. :)

Thanks for bailing him out of that weak argument.

Clearly UF is doomed. :blink:
So here's a thought.

Since the Florida players have taken to calling their fans "the goldfish," do you think the fans can talk the administration into renaming the Swamp the Goldfish Bowl? :)
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You know, I really appreciate Lawrence and Lawgator and 99gator and all you guys coming to our forums so we can troll you here.

Having to go to your boards to troll you there would be too much work. This is much more convenient. :)
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Your attempts to troll us are noted.

To be completely honest, I don't really feel like a troll. My motivation isn't to hurt gator feelings, it's more to enjoy the humor of the situation from a Vol perspective. Same outcome, I know, but the motivation is different.

I suppose that doesn't help you guys at all, though. Sorry about that.

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Really, really like the sound of the Goldfish Bowl to replace the Swamp, though. I think Del Rio should start a GoFundMe for it. :)
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Really, really like the sound of the Goldfish Bowl to replace the Swamp, though. I think Del Rio should start a GoFundMe for it. :)

I would kick in $5 or so.. if they keep Mac a few more years we can rename it Neyland south. 😀😀
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Not a weak arguement. And it has nothing to do with keeping Michigan guessing. If they prepare for Franks, since he is mobile, they will have prepared for all 3.

If your point was Mac is pissing off all 3 QBs, like you said it was, your point was weak...so weak you decided to change course in your response above.
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Really, really like the sound of the Goldfish Bowl to replace the Swamp, though. I think Del Rio should start a GoFundMe for it. :)

I do too.

I said it when he left after his 12th season, that the Gators fans would regret running Spurrier off. He gave his heart and soul to them and that program. Looking back outside of UM no one else can win a SEC title there let alone a mythical national championship. At a place where there is more potential NFL talent than any state in the union. Being the state university of that state they should be able to get whoever they want whenever they want including the best QB's.
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Lot going into that Corral cart. What if he gets hurt or gets all liberal and dedicates himself to tearing down Confederate statues instead of throwing footballs through a tire? :dunno:
Lot going into that Corral cart. What if he gets hurt or gets all liberal and dedicates himself to tearing down Confederate statues instead of throwing footballs through a tire? :dunno:

If that happens, we go 0-12 for the next 10 years.
I do too.

I said it when he left after his 12th season, that the Gators fans would regret running Spurrier off. He gave his heart and soul to them and that program. Looking back outside of UM no one else can win a SEC title there let alone a mythical national championship. At a place where there is more potential NFL talent than any state in the union. Being the state university of that state they should be able to get whoever they want whenever they want including the best QB's.

Smoking hot take right there... :p

Our state has three major CFB football programs with a combined 11 national titles in the past 33 years. So since Miami won its first NC in 1983, the state of Florida has averaged a national title about every 3 years.

Our state has every other major CFB program cherry picking our HS talent. Alabama, Clemson, Ohio State...everyone.

I'm good with anyone being critical of McElwain's recruiting up until this cycle, or Muschamp's inability to evaluate talent on offense.

But to suggest Florida should get whoever they want, whenever they want...it's not the most intelligent take.
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But to suggest Florida should get whoever they want, whenever they want...it's not the most intelligent take.

Maybe, but...

It should be far easier to convince these kids to stay at home rather than watch out of State programs rape and rob your talent. When it comes down to it, UT should never have had a chance with Tyler Byrd (though conditionally, there were other factors) and the kid should have been Miami bound. Carlin Fils-Aime should have been Florida school bound since it looked like a package deal with Byrd. Calvin Ridley should have been Florida school bound. I understand you have serious competition there with Miami, Free Shoes U and UF. And adding somewhat upstarts like UCF, USF and even FAU and FIU into the mix it gets harder. But out of State schools should never have a chance against your big three. In 2016 alone, six of the top ten picks went to other States. In 2017, seven of the top ten went out of State. 2018? The four committed already are going out of State.

I get playing time and the allure of playing for an Alabama or Ohio State, but there is no reason FSU, UF and Miami shouldn't be beating the brakes off out of State teams for HS talent. Personally, I'm glad they aren't doing well as your loss is our gain.
What are you guys talking about? A back up wide out from candy could QB. It does not matter.

Florida needs one game, and that's Tennessee, and every single gator will be on the field for that one.
Smoking hot take right there... :p

Our state has three major CFB football programs with a combined 11 national titles in the past 33 years. So since Miami won its first NC in 1983, the state of Florida has averaged a national title about every 3 years.

Our state has every other major CFB program cherry picking our HS talent. Alabama, Clemson, Ohio State...everyone.

I'm good with anyone being critical of McElwain's recruiting up until this cycle, or Muschamp's inability to evaluate talent on offense.

But to suggest Florida should get whoever they want, whenever they want...it's not the most intelligent take.

I don't disagree with a single point in the above post. However, you've gone from The Ol' Ballcoach and The Urban Legend to, well, having to explain why you're not getting the players and the program's in disarray.
I don't disagree with a single point in the above post. However, you've gone from The Ol' Ballcoach and The Urban Legend to, well, having to explain why you're not getting the players and the program's in disarray.

We're also having to settle for winning the East when more talented teams underachieve, but I guess that's our cross to bear.

For a Johnny Come Lately, new blood program like Florida, the bar over here at VN is set pretty high for us.

Elite coaches don't grow on trees...but then again I don't have to remind you guys of that. :)

You also conveniently left out the "down" Zook years between Spurrier and Meyer.
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Maybe, but...

It should be far easier to convince these kids to stay at home rather than watch out of State programs rape and rob your talent. When it comes down to it, UT should never have had a chance with Tyler Byrd (though conditionally, there were other factors) and the kid should have been Miami bound. Carlin Fils-Aime should have been Florida school bound since it looked like a package deal with Byrd. Calvin Ridley should have been Florida school bound. I understand you have serious competition there with Miami, Free Shoes U and UF. And adding somewhat upstarts like UCF, USF and even FAU and FIU into the mix it gets harder. But out of State schools should never have a chance against your big three. In 2016 alone, six of the top ten picks went to other States. In 2017, seven of the top ten went out of State. 2018? The four committed already are going out of State.

I get playing time and the allure of playing for an Alabama or Ohio State, but there is no reason FSU, UF and Miami shouldn't be beating the brakes off out of State teams for HS talent. Personally, I'm glad they aren't doing well as your loss is our gain.

There's too much talent down here, and not enough scholarships between the Big 3...plus USF and UCF...to keep all the in-state talent from crossing the border.

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