Food stamps

Yeah I have a story. Me and my buddy work at Mcdy and talk about politics and such. The other day EBT came up in our conversation because our fellow employees where talking about getting food stamps. This one associate comes up to us and tells us how the government "Is going to take care of me that they are going to give us free money." Damn that pissed me and my friend off so bad. My buddy has to work 2 jobs to take care of himself and his mother and he gets killed by taxes because he is single and has no kids. So it's not like he is getting any benefits from the government and this douche is bragging about how he is getting food stamps right in front of our face. He also mention how he pays over $200 for cable/Internet so he can have the nice service instead of cutting back his budget and spending that money on grocery. There is something seriously wrong with my generation.
PS: atleast 30% of our illegal immigrates get EBT cards and they just use that money to sell it for .75 to the $1 to our managers. I had them even try to sell to me for .50 When I told them no, I was labeled a racists because I was not giving them money to pay their rent.
Years ago, 60 Minutes had an episode about people selling the old style of food stamps for .50 on the $1. They went around and could buy almost everything from prostitutes, drugs, and car rentals with them.

I thought the new card system was to cutback on some of these abuses. How does it work? Do they buy you stuff with their card, or do they give it too you?
Years ago, 60 Minutes had an episode about people selling the old style of food stamps for .50 on the $1. They went around and could buy almost everything from prostitutes, drugs, and car rentals with them.

I thought the new card system was to cutback on some of these abuses. How does it work? Do they buy you stuff with their card, or do they give it too you?

It's a lot harder but with the EBT card, you have to go the store with the person and shop together or tell them everything you want and make the trade somewhere else.
Honestly, I believe the card was only used to decrease cost/and humility at the cashier. Now with the card only the cashier knows when you use ebt.
So one of my employees asked to speak with me alone today. She pulled me aside and said she was in need of money and knew I didn't do cash advances but she had food stamps she would sell to me at 50 cent on the dollar...

and here is where it really pissed me off...

she said she and her boyfriend always have about 150 dollars worth left over each month and sell them to her neighbor 75 cents on the dollar but since her neighbor was on vacation she would sell them to be at less.

I said no. She persisted (as they always do) and again I said no and walked off.

The funny thing is, I must add, is this employee would make 28,000 per year if she would only show up and work full time... but she only wants to work part time so she can keep her food stamps and welfare she says.

I can't believe you mentioned this on a message board.
Honestly, I believe the card was only used to decrease cost/and humility at the cashier. Now with the card only the cashier knows when you use ebt.

In Pa it is a green and yellow card with the word Access printed across the front. Not hard to spot.

But, in essence you are correct, most parts of the system have been redesigned in modern times to remove the stigma and make it seem acceptable to be on assistance. For example, take a look at the forms a person would fill out to get their child assessed as disabled. At the top in big friendly letters it has a block where you check off Disabled and then write the disability. Way down near the bottom in smaller letters is a block to check that says NO Disability. It is much harder to see...the entire form encourages someone to register the disability.

Now, I'm not saying we shouldn't make it somewhat straight forward to get someone with a legitimate disability registered as such, but I was surprised by how much the form itself is biased toward doing so.

Also, to continue to receive unemployment or SNAP(food stamps) all you have to do is go online and certify that you have looked for work or that your situation hasn't changed and the funds are deposited onto your card or bank account. You don't have to go to the unemployment office, stand in line, be scrutinized by the clerk etc. I believe there is even a short cut to the website on the computers at our city library...

As a country we have taken this from being a safety net for someone to use temporarily to being an actual demographic.
Its a black thing.

That's why he posted it. Duh.

Is it a black thing? I know for a FACT that the majority of the fradulent food stamp cases involve African Americans. However, I have seen numerous well do to causcasians scaming the system as well as countless so called "white trash" personnel plotting the milk from the power teat.

Food stamps or SNAP needs to be highly regulated as does medicaid. Especially medicaid. Period. If you do not think so you are a naive imbecile bordering on lunacy.
The way they're set up here, EBT cards have a list of UPC's applied to them. If I have a cart full of groceries with a beer thrown in and try to pay for the whole thing with EBT, it will automatically filter out the beer at the register and keep it on the balance.

Also, the cards have names on them and clerks are supposed to check photo ID (which happens about 75% of the time), and there's also a PIN.
I've got some stamps to trade for a case of cold beer. Any takers? Let's start some kind of food stamp trading co op forum.
I got a funny a story having to do with food stamps

When my fiance and I were 16 I took her out to O'Charley's I believe. We were having a good time eating and laughing going through the whole cycle of what happens on a date. So we get to the end of the meal and I get my wallet out to pay the waitress while she was standing there. I got this horrified look on my face and said "I don't have any money on me." I could see that she was getting a little worried, so I said "don't worry," and preceded to ask the waitress "do you take food stamps." One of the best laughs I have ever had. I had the waitress and her looking like this guy can't be serious.
The way they're set up here, EBT cards have a list of UPC's applied to them. If I have a cart full of groceries with a beer thrown in and try to pay for the whole thing with EBT, it will automatically filter out the beer at the register and keep it on the balance.

Also, the cards have names on them and clerks are supposed to check photo ID (which happens about 75% of the time), and there's also a PIN.

So if cashiers check the EBT card, then in order to sell the benefits, the seller would have to either be with the buyer at purchase or already purchase the goods. That seems highly unlikely to me.

Now the flip side is if cashiers don't check the EBT card. But even a 33% chance of being caught and losing your money on the buy would discourage IMO. But let's say nothing happens if you get caught, so then you just go to the next store until your ID isn't checked.

To me the next logical solution would then be to treat EBT purchases like alcohol. Selling without ID checking can result in losing your job and/or fines to the employee/business (as well as punishment to the buyer/seller). But that would then be turned into profiling.

edit: After consideration, the most logical choice might be extreme cutbacks.

All of this is assuming that EBT fraud is as prevelant as you all make it out to be. I wouldn't mind some statistics on that, but I suppose this being fraud, they might be hard to find.
It is. There are penalties for getting caught charging ebt without checking id, just like alcohol.

Some people bounce from liquor store to liquor store until somebody doesn't check as well. It's not perfect but would you rather they just say f it? Is there a better efficient solution?
It is. There are penalties for getting caught charging ebt without checking id, just like alcohol.

Some people bounce from liquor store to liquor store until somebody doesn't check as well. It's not perfect but would you rather they just say f it? Is there a better efficient solution?

Hard to imagine people would go through the trouble of bouncing from store to store, unless there's a very low percentage of people actually checking IDs. At which point it appears it's not a process problem but an enforcement problem. I'm not attacking either side, I'm just curious if this "food stamp black market" exists or if it's a greatly exaggerated problem by the people opposed to it. And if it exists, what the problem is. Because an EBT card + pin number + checking ID seems fairly tight, imo, unless A.) nobody checks IDs, B.) There are no reprecussions for fraud or not checking IDs, or C.) People are willing to go through a **** ton of trouble for 75 cents on the dollar on groceries.

I worked at a grocery store, I never checked ID on EBT cards, then again, I was never told to. I also didn't live an area where it would be rampantly abused.
All you have to do is find a part time cashier who is also on assistance. . .
I have some food stamps I am willing to trade for a case of Keystone Ice.

I might even settle for a few 40 oz of St. Ides. Hit me up!

VN Store
