For all the ones talking about the country breaking up....

How much longer do we have left as a United States of America

  • 1-10 years

    Votes: 18 31.6%
  • 11-20 years

    Votes: 9 15.8%
  • 21-30 years

    Votes: 3 5.3%
  • 31-40 years

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 41-+ years

    Votes: 27 47.4%

  • Total voters
Until the "makers" stand up for ourselves and refuse to have our lives legislated into misery by the "takers" we will continue to backslide.

Biden being elected will be extremely detrimental to the ones who actually work their azzes off to get ahead. Increased income taxes, with absolutely no benefit to the working man. Doubling the corporate tax rate to 39% will absolutely cause the Biden Recession. Which hurts the makers once again. Take, take, take....

Until we stand up for ourselves and say "no more. You will take no more of my hard earned income to give to others " it will never end. The Takers will keep voting for whatever idiot promises them the most free sheit at our expense.

I do not owe anyone else healthcare.

I do not owe anyone else a college degree

I do not owe anyone else food, phones n 40s

I do not owe anyone else free housing

I do not owe anyone else free cash who doesn't work ...nor if they do work.

I do not owe anyone anything except respect and common courtesy, if it is shown to me.

As long as we let the leeches and bloated government programs make us poor, as long as we let the leeches vote themselves free sheit out of the largesse of our stolen wages, we will continue to spiral downward.

These very same fools who take my stolen work, my livelihood, my wages....these same leeches try to force their immoral belief systems and flawed ideologies on us. Try to shame us for being born white, or male, in the US. These same fools try and tell us that we MUST accept their BS like having more than the 2 biological sexes...identity politics...sexualizing children...normalizing of homosexuality (it isnt normal, sorry)...
and pretending Islam isn't a hate filled murderous religion. Its insanity to let these folks try to rewrite history to their liking and remake this once great nation into some warped, socialist, heathen, nanny state with ever increasing taxes and immorality.

Until and unless the "makers" in this country truly stand up for ourselves, the Constitution, our morals, and Capitalism, we will continue to slide down this ever increasing slope towards destruction of this Nation and our American way of life. At some point, the adults in this room have to stand up and say "No More. " and put these overly emotional and spoiled children to bed. Tick tock
F??? Biden!!!! We need Marcus for Prez!!!
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Until the "makers" stand up for ourselves and refuse to have our lives legislated into misery by the "takers" we will continue to backslide.

Biden being elected will be extremely detrimental to the ones who actually work their azzes off to get ahead. Increased income taxes, with absolutely no benefit to the working man. Doubling the corporate tax rate to 39% will absolutely cause the Biden Recession. Which hurts the makers once again. Take, take, take....

Until we stand up for ourselves and say "no more. You will take no more of my hard earned income to give to others " it will never end. The Takers will keep voting for whatever idiot promises them the most free sheit at our expense.

I do not owe anyone else healthcare.

I do not owe anyone else a college degree

I do not owe anyone else food, phones n 40s

I do not owe anyone else free housing

I do not owe anyone else free cash who doesn't work ...nor if they do work.

I do not owe anyone anything except respect and common courtesy, if it is shown to me.

As long as we let the leeches and bloated government programs make us poor, as long as we let the leeches vote themselves free sheit out of the largesse of our stolen wages, we will continue to spiral downward.

These very same fools who take my stolen work, my livelihood, my wages....these same leeches try to force their immoral belief systems and flawed ideologies on us. Try to shame us for being born white, or male, in the US. These same fools try and tell us that we MUST accept their BS like having more than the 2 biological sexes...identity politics...sexualizing children...normalizing of homosexuality (it isnt normal, sorry)...
and pretending Islam isn't a hate filled murderous religion. Its insanity to let these folks try to rewrite history to their liking and remake this once great nation into some warped, socialist, heathen, nanny state with ever increasing taxes and immorality.

Until and unless the "makers" in this country truly stand up for ourselves, the Constitution, our morals, and Capitalism, we will continue to slide down this ever increasing slope towards destruction of this Nation and our American way of life. At some point, the adults in this room have to stand up and say "No More. " and put these overly emotional and spoiled children to bed. Tick tock
This reads like a 3AM OAN infomercial I f*ckin love it
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Until the "makers" stand up for ourselves and refuse to have our lives legislated into misery by the "takers" we will continue to backslide.

Biden being elected will be extremely detrimental to the ones who actually work their azzes off to get ahead. Increased income taxes, with absolutely no benefit to the working man. Doubling the corporate tax rate to 39% will absolutely cause the Biden Recession. Which hurts the makers once again. Take, take, take....

Until we stand up for ourselves and say "no more. You will take no more of my hard earned income to give to others " it will never end. The Takers will keep voting for whatever idiot promises them the most free sheit at our expense.

I do not owe anyone else healthcare.

I do not owe anyone else a college degree

I do not owe anyone else food, phones n 40s

I do not owe anyone else free housing

I do not owe anyone else free cash who doesn't work ...nor if they do work.

I do not owe anyone anything except respect and common courtesy, if it is shown to me.

As long as we let the leeches and bloated government programs make us poor, as long as we let the leeches vote themselves free sheit out of the largesse of our stolen wages, we will continue to spiral downward.

These very same fools who take my stolen work, my livelihood, my wages....these same leeches try to force their immoral belief systems and flawed ideologies on us. Try to shame us for being born white, or male, in the US. These same fools try and tell us that we MUST accept their BS like having more than the 2 biological sexes...identity politics...sexualizing children...normalizing of homosexuality (it isnt normal, sorry)...
and pretending Islam isn't a hate filled murderous religion. Its insanity to let these folks try to rewrite history to their liking and remake this once great nation into some warped, socialist, heathen, nanny state with ever increasing taxes and immorality.

Until and unless the "makers" in this country truly stand up for ourselves, the Constitution, our morals, and Capitalism, we will continue to slide down this ever increasing slope towards destruction of this Nation and our American way of life. At some point, the adults in this room have to stand up and say "No More. " and put these overly emotional and spoiled children to bed. Tick tock
Where would all the red states get their tax dollars if not for the blue states

A better question is where will the blue states get their food if not for the red states?

And be sure to take note of the post above about Social Security “benefits” FOLLOWING the recipients to their retirement state.
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We have 2 choices as a people.

1. The federal government is scaled back to pre civil war levels. Which means a federal government the founding fathers designed.

2. We break up in a BREXIT manner, peaceful and planned.

The only other options at this point is an authoritarian central 1 party rule or a violent separation. We are not a unified people anymore and I see no way we can ever be again.

Cities vs rural

Its pretty cut and dry if either side wanted to pay attention.
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We have 2 choices as a people.

1. The federal government is scaled back to pre civil war levels. Which means a federal government the founding fathers designed.

2. We break up in a BREXIT manner, peaceful and planned.

The only other options at this point is an authoritarian central 1 party rule or a violent separation. We are not a unified people anymore and I see no way we can ever be again.
Cities vs rural

Its pretty cut and dry if either side wanted to pay attention.

This is correct. This isn't necessarily a red state vs blue state issue. The population centers in red states are largely blue, and the rural areas in blue states are largely red. That's why this dissolution would not work. To separate red and blue areas would render nearly all farmland to the red nation. However, it would render nearly all fuel refining/transit facilities, ports (both sea and air), steel mills, and heavy equipment manufacturing to the blue nation. The blue nation wouldn't have enough cropland to feed themselves, but the red nation would run out of fuel and equipment to work their fields, and they wouldn't have access to the coasts to export to their other global trade partners. Both would starve, and the world would be worse off. China, among others, would also jump decades ahead of us.
We have 2 choices as a people.

1. The federal government is scaled back to pre civil war levels. Which means a federal government the founding fathers designed.

2. We break up in a BREXIT manner, peaceful and planned.

The only other options at this point is an authoritarian central 1 party rule or a violent separation. We are not a unified people anymore and I see no way we can ever be again.

I like you, Hog. But don't be silly. Democrats have figured out they are outnumbered and had to cheat on this election to get their puppet installed. They will never allow a "Brexit" situation. They are scared and they know where the power balance is right now.

They will stop at nothing to destroy every last shred of conservatism in this country. What happened under Obama was the test run. Now you will see the most radical agenda this nation has ever seen and conservative values even more demonized.
I like you, Hog. But don't be silly. Democrats have figured out they are outnumbered and had to cheat on this election to get their puppet installed. They will never allow a "Brexit" situation. They are scared and they know where the power balance is right now.

They will stop at nothing to destroy every last shred of conservatism in this country. What happened under Obama was the test run. Now you will see the most radical agenda this nation has ever seen and conservative values even more demonized.
So you believe the election was rigged? The election that had Republicans gain seats in the House, not lose seats in the Senate (maybe), and have both candidates receiving the most votes in US history? That election?

If the Democrats want total domination, why wouldn’t they go all out with the rigging of the election? Why not take super majority in the senate? Why not make the presidential election so one sided that Trumps claims of fraud would be moot?
If you haven’t noticed, the communist have been in control ever since Obama.
Rogue intelligence agency’s thumb their nose at the executive and congressional branches of government.
Social media silences anyone who speaks up

Durning the Cold War the Communist warned that they would conquer the United States without ever firing a shot

Mission accomplished
I like you, Hog. But don't be silly. Democrats have figured out they are outnumbered and had to cheat on this election to get their puppet installed. They will never allow a "Brexit" situation. They are scared and they know where the power balance is right now.

They will stop at nothing to destroy every last shred of conservatism in this country. What happened under Obama was the test run. Now you will see the most radical agenda this nation has ever seen and conservative values even more demonized.

I don’t agree with you all the time Grand, but your spot on with your assessment, unfortunately
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I like you, Hog. But don't be silly. Democrats have figured out they are outnumbered and had to cheat on this election to get their puppet installed. They will never allow a "Brexit" situation. They are scared and they know where the power balance is right now.

They will stop at nothing to destroy every last shred of conservatism in this country. What happened under Obama was the test run. Now you will see the most radical agenda this nation has ever seen and conservative values even more demonized.
Agree. I also think Trump is likely the last republican president in our lifetimes.
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This is correct. This isn't necessarily a red state vs blue state issue. The population centers in red states are largely blue, and the rural areas in blue states are largely red. That's why this dissolution would not work. To separate red and blue areas would render nearly all farmland to the red nation. However, it would render nearly all fuel refining/transit facilities, ports (both sea and air), steel mills, and heavy equipment manufacturing to the blue nation. The blue nation wouldn't have enough cropland to feed themselves, but the red nation would run out of fuel and equipment to work their fields, and they wouldn't have access to the coasts to export to their other global trade partners. Both would starve, and the world would be worse off. China, among others, would also jump decades ahead of us.
You have a really great point here. The main problem is that a dissolution of the country does not line up cleanly in a geographic manner. If that were the case, it would be possible. Each of these industries/resources you talk about could be traded or developed in the other if there were a way to cleanly divide things. I just can't see how the geography ever lines up to make a split possible under any circumstances. I do think we'd be better off split into two or more nations at this point.
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