FOR SALE: Pair of Diamond Stud Earings...

I think if the engineering department where Vader works had a problem, it'd be that ginormous nerd tat on his arm... :biggrin2: :lol:
(rwemyss @ Aug 3 said:
I think if the engineering department where Vader works had a problem, it'd be that ginormous nerd tat on his arm... :biggrin2: :lol:

Hence the reason I don't wear basketball jerseys to work.

I have always been a proponent of the philosophy that if I am good at what I do, why should it matter exactly how I look. I have also sported a ponytail in the past couple of years, but I got my hair cut because of the heat.

I am good enough at what I do that they keep me around and pay me handsomely. :biggrin2:
(vader @ Aug 3 said:
Hence the reason I don't wear basketball jerseys to work.

I have always been a proponent of the philosophy that if I am good at what I do, why should it matter exactly how I look. I have also sported a ponytail in the past couple of years, but I got my hair cut because of the heat.

I am good enough at what I do that they keep me around and pay me handsomely. :biggrin2:
Anybody can be good at doing nothing. :p :lol: :lol: :lol:
jewelry etc is a distraction IMO.

I prefer players like Manning, who focus on football 24/7 to the point of having their mom give them photos of how they should dress so not to be distracted by it.
(oklavol @ Aug 3 said:
jewelry etc is a distraction IMO.

I prefer players like Manning, and have their mom layout pictures of what they should wear so they can focus on football 24/7. Sorry, I just don't see Manning focusing on anything other then learning the other team's defensive scheme, tendencies, training, etc.

If it is bling that gets in the way of running or throwing, I agree. I can see where taking one's helmet off and on with earrings could be tricky.

Manning was like Rainman who could throw. There was an article when he was coming out of college that talked about his girlfriend (out of town) had to call in for delivery orders because he was incapable.
(vader @ Aug 3 said:
If it is bling that gets in the way of running or throwing, I agree. I can see where taking one's helmet off and on with earrings could be tricky.

Manning was like Rainman who could throw. There was an article when he was coming out of college that talked about his girlfriend (out of town) had to call in for delivery orders because he was incapable.
For what it's worth it was his inability to open a can of soup. The local high school here has just set the same rule: which also includes belly rings for the girls which I kinda like.
(vol_freak @ Aug 3 said:
So you would get rid of your nose ring?
Only if you took out your Monroe piercing.

(Orangewhiteblood @ Aug 3 said:
But I wouldn't care if Ainge looked like Liberace if he was throwing 4 or 5 TD's a game.
Photoshop, anyone?

(vader @ Aug 3 said:
I wear them at my job every day, genius. I also wear them to church and every other place I go. I am posting from a very large company that you have heard of designing aircraft structure. Where are YOU posting from?

By whose authority does it show lack of maturity and class? Because it is a social convention? You have to do better than that.
Get back on your job, Vader.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure there are no jewelry restrictions for the defense. So I don't think it's a team unity type thing for the offense. Maybe Cut is just trying to make them earn the right to wear it. Sort of like how military officers are afforded more hairstyles than the lower ranked. Either way, if the defense continues to pull its weight, I have no problem with how they dress at all.
(Duckhook @ Aug 3 said:
In truth, the earings should have been yanked out after the olay pass in the endzone of Death Valley :clapping:

I was reading through this thread again and I have to give credit. This made me laugh.
If you have players distracted by a small ear ring covered up for half a game, you have bigger issues to worry about. I'm not going to jump on a coach's decision. But if we say it was done because of distractions, then you have people clearly not focused on the game itself. If a shiny piece of jewelry keeps you from playing and focusing on football, you just need to go work the concession stand. While we're at it, shave all facial hair, remove tattoos, shave heads, etc. Where do we draw a line on 'distractions'?
As has been stated earlier, I think it's more of a team unity thing than anything else. Sort of like the NY Yankees having a rule against facial hair.
Let's all agree that last year was a farce and we need some team discipline and team building at UT to get us back where we are supposed to be every year! Cut is doing a great job and certainly people having their own individual expressions of who they think they are can get into the way of a team being a team. They are at one of the most prestigious Universities to be found and going for free and have a great chance to play in the NFL! These young men need to keep that in mind and play their hearts out for UT as long as we are providing their education. What they wear after graduation is their business, but while they are at UT they have coaches to tell them what to do and they MUST do it! For the guy who wears three earrings to work- I don't mean to call you untruthful but if the earring fits, wear it.
(vader @ Aug 3 said:
If it is bling that gets in the way of running or throwing, I agree. I can see where taking one's helmet off and on with earrings could be tricky.

Manning was like Rainman who could throw. There was an article when he was coming out of college that talked about his girlfriend (out of town) had to call in for delivery orders because he was incapable.

I appreciate an individual's right to free expression, however, in certain climates there are rules that we don't like that we have to follow sometimes. Earrings are not allowed while on duty in the military. Tattoos that can be seen while in uniform (ie. on the back of the hands) are also a no-no. If your employer is fine with that look, then go for it. However, not all employers are that understanding. With all the off-the-field issues that have been going on in Knoxville, the coaches are looking not at just how the players act on the field but also their attitudes and actions off the field. That makes the coaches somewhat responsible for what happens off-the-field and has nothing to do with "running or throwing." And the recent incidents on top of last season's have given the players a reputation for having attitude. To some of the older generation... ie the folks that give money to the athletic program... earrings are a sign of attitude. In a perfect world, it should not matter.... but in the world the UT coaching staff has to live in, the earrings are just part of the "image" that they are trying to change regarding the players.

To the previous poster about construction workers.... that was uncalled for. Also note that on some construction sites, dangling earrings are not allowed for safety reasons.
(allvol @ Aug 4 said:
I appreciate an individual's right to free expression, however, in certain climates there are rules that we don't like that we have to follow sometimes. ...

Level headed perspective from the keyboard of allvol.... :thumbsup:
(allvol @ Aug 4 said:
I appreciate an individual's right to free expression, however, in certain climates there are rules that we don't like that we have to follow sometimes. Earrings are not allowed while on duty in the military. Tattoos that can be seen while in uniform (ie. on the back of the hands) are also a no-no. If your employer is fine with that look, then go for it. However, not all employers are that understanding. With all the off-the-field issues that have been going on in Knoxville, the coaches are looking not at just how the players act on the field but also their attitudes and actions off the field. That makes the coaches somewhat responsible for what happens off-the-field and has nothing to do with "running or throwing." And the recent incidents on top of last season's have given the players a reputation for having attitude. To some of the older generation... ie the folks that give money to the athletic program... earrings are a sign of attitude. In a perfect world, it should not matter.... but in the world the UT coaching staff has to live in, the earrings are just part of the "image" that they are trying to change regarding the players.

To the previous poster about construction workers.... that was uncalled for. Also note that on some construction sites, dangling earrings are not allowed for safety reasons.
I didn't realize that UT was an adjunct institution to West Point. If UT is going to have these ludicrous rules, announce them on the recruting trail. I want TCHFCATUTK and Mini-Fulmer to go into the living rooms of elite prospects and tell them that if they come to Knoxville they have to dress and behave like Wally Cleaver. Let's see how far that gets them.
(hatvol96 @ Aug 4 said:
I didn't realize that UT was an adjunct institution to West Point. If UT is going to have these ludicrous rules, announce them on the recruting trail. I want TCHFCATUTK and Mini-Fulmer to go into the living rooms of elite prospects and tell them that if they come to Knoxville they have to dress and behave like Wally Cleaver. Let's see how far that gets them.

Hatvol, you consistently crack me up.
(allvol @ Aug 4 said:
I appreciate an individual's right to free expression, however, in certain climates there are rules that we don't like that we have to follow sometimes. Earrings are not allowed while on duty in the military. Tattoos that can be seen while in uniform (ie. on the back of the hands) are also a no-no. If your employer is fine with that look, then go for it. However, not all employers are that understanding. With all the off-the-field issues that have been going on in Knoxville, the coaches are looking not at just how the players act on the field but also their attitudes and actions off the field. That makes the coaches somewhat responsible for what happens off-the-field and has nothing to do with "running or throwing." And the recent incidents on top of last season's have given the players a reputation for having attitude. To some of the older generation... ie the folks that give money to the athletic program... earrings are a sign of attitude. In a perfect world, it should not matter.... but in the world the UT coaching staff has to live in, the earrings are just part of the "image" that they are trying to change regarding the players.

To the previous poster about construction workers.... that was uncalled for. Also note that on some construction sites, dangling earrings are not allowed for safety reasons.

Let's blame the earrings.



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