For those of you that support communism in this country

Yes I support the rule of law. The lies you believe, not so much.
Specifically what crimes are you talking about? Which parts are lies? What part of the new communist government excites you the most? Since you are for the rule of law, do you support charging Hunter Biden with a felony for lying on a background check for a firearm?
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I support a communist takeover!

As long as I'm the head commie, those guys live goooood.

.. not me you guys get shot at and blown up , I want to be the propaganda minister. I’ve seen this movie before , they have it made and still get all the perks .
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.. not me you guys get shot at and blown up , I want to be the propaganda minister. I’ve seen this movie before , they have it made and still get all the perks .

They do well too but as head commie I'd keep the job 6-7 years, amass a huge amount of wealth off the backs of the peasants, then step down and leave the country. Let the next guy deal with the fallout. You know basically be a democrat.
Until el jefe thinks the people have turned on him, then you get fed to the laser sharks.

Nah by then I would have convinced the military that Hog was a double naught spy trying to take us back to capitalism and have him fed to the zombies the new vaccines are creating while I appoint a new target errrr I mean el jefe . 😉
Nah by then I would have convinced the military that Hog was a double naught spy trying to take us back to capitalism and have him fed to the zombies the new vaccines are creating while I appoint a new target errrr I mean el jefe . 😉

If I was head commie there wouldn't have been a pandemic.
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They do well too but as head commie I'd keep the job 6-7 years, amass a huge amount of wealth off the backs of the peasants, then step down and leave the country. Let the next guy deal with the fallout. You know basically be a democrat.
I'll step in after you. After the communist leader leaves, the country is ripe for a dictator. And since I am already a dic, i am the most logical choice.
**Posts 15min talking head video with absolutely no explanation of the subject**

Do you communists support this?????
What part of the reporting isn't true? Did not hear why here was raided? You think it's ok to use federal law enforcement to go after political opponents?
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What part of the reporting isn't true? Did not hear why here was raided? You think it's ok to use federal law enforcement to go after political opponents?
Idk because most people are not going to watch a 15min video without knowing the topic. Even less will watch when you state that your target audience is communists. When you start a thread you should actually include info so others can discuss the topic
Idk because most people are not going to watch a 15min video without knowing the topic. Even less will watch when you state that your target audience is communists. When you start a thread you should actually include info so others can discuss the topic
I posed a question to you. You think it's ok for our government to use armed federal forces to go after political opponents, like Hitler did in Germany?
I posed a question to you. You think it's ok for our government to use armed federal forces to go after political opponents, like Hitler did in Germany?
Well of course I do! All my posts in this forum have demonstrated that right?

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