Forgetting Sarah Marshall

i know which picture cotton wants, but I am not going to post any more. :)I know I'm not as beautiful as that girl, shes gorgeous.
wait, what kind of picture are we talking about here? And I would just like to point out that most women have no clue what they look like :)
and the new facebook chat thing isn't helping....these guys that run facebook are crack pushers.
haha, i'm in library as well....two exams tomorrow

I only have one tomorrow, but I have tons of material to read that I haven't started on at all. I'll probably have to get started within the next few minutes. My final is at 10:15 so I may get 4 or 5 hours of sleep which is good.
Well I have a damn accounting exam tomorrow that I am destined to fail. It's not until 5pm why bother now right?
Well I have a damn accounting exam tomorrow that I am destined to fail. It's not until 5pm why bother now right?

O yea. 5 pm means study when you wake up tomorrow. I can't retain stuff if I go to sleep. I will fail probably every final I'm taking if I were to guess. Well probably at least one math final. The others I may do ok on.
wow yes you do win. What are you, med school?
no, I went back to school to try to get into dental school, so i'm a 28yr old taking senior bio classes. Anatomy isn't really that bad....micro sucks. That said, there is absolutely zero chance of finding me in an accounting class :blink:
I had it as one of my first avatars long time ago. I'll let cotton explain...:)

And besides, I have seen no pictures of either of you...

What the cheerleader one? b/c I was right by your side for that one.

And I know you've seen my pic b/c you talked about somebody with a dog for a head.
I had it as one of my first avatars long time ago. I'll let cotton explain...:)

And besides, I have seen no pictures of either of you...
hey i'm in the picture thread too....good luck finding that...I'll just let you know now i'm incredibly good looking :):eek:lol:
no, I went back to school to try to get into dental school, so i'm a 28yr old taking senior bio classes. Anatomy isn't really that bad....micro sucks. That said, there is absolutely zero chance of finding me in an accounting class :blink:

Ah gotcha. I hate all sciences equally. I will be in an accounting next year I'm sure. I was in accounting once before but was lost after the second day and gave up.
no, I went back to school to try to get into dental school, so i'm a 28yr old taking senior bio classes. Anatomy isn't really that bad....micro sucks. That said, there is absolutely zero chance of finding me in an accounting class :blink:

Accounting isn't too bad if you're willing to put a little time into it. That being said, I'm not willing to put a little time into it.
Accounting isn't too bad if you're willing to put a little time into it. That being said, I'm not willing to put a little time into it.
same here....and yet physics looms on wednesday...I need to learn 5 chapters....o well, this is what I do.

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